
Brown Bear Cubs Filmed Body Surfing And Splashing Like Humans Off Sea of Okhotsk

The shoot, made in the south of Sakhalin, Russia’s largest island cost local photographer Sergey Lyubachenko his drone when he flew it too close to one of the cubs, wrote The Siberian Times.

‘The two of them walked to the beach in the early hours of the morning before the sun was up.

‘They sniffed around the shore, checking for any food thrown out by the waves, and then walked to a rock where it turned out they hid a couple of fish’,  said Sergey. 

‘They ate and went for a splash in the sea.’

At some point the duo went back to the shore. 

‘One of them sat down and scraped the sand towards its nose, looking like it was about to pull a blanket of sand over its head.’ 

To read more visit The Siberian Times.

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