China Says Critics Of Predatory 'One Belt One Road' Project...Wait For It...Racist
Image by Yauaaisnhaongwaix
Shenzhen City Planning Exhibition Hall world map one belt band one road Jan 2017

China obviously has been learning from the victimhood movement in the United States. For now, if you criticize Beijing's One Belt One Road, the predatory-lending project that is forcing poor nations to give up infrastructure around the world to China, you are now a...wait for it...racist of course!

Yang Jiechi, a former foreign minister and ambassador to Washington, made the comments while speaking to a state-influenced media outlet in China.

Speaking of the harsh words the new Silk Road project has received, even from the U.S. government, he declared, "This obviously shows a lack of objectivity and fair understanding of the Belt and Road initiative. It is a misunderstanding, misjudgment and is even prejudiced," he declared, reported CNBC.

"The Belt and Road is open, inclusive and transparent. It does not play little geopolitical games. It does not engage in the exclusion of exclusive small circles."

"For cooperative partners who have debt difficulties, China's principle is to appropriately resolve this through friendly consultations, and has never pushed or forced debt" on anyone, Yang added.

Maybe Yang should talk to the African and Asian nations who have been forced to give up railways, ports, and other infrastructure as payment for Chinese loans they could never pay, like the African nation of Kenya who had to give up its largest port at Mombassa to the Chicoms.

Yang seems to be following the age old Orwellian wisdom of "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." We at CD Media think he believes if he says this lie often enough, it will become truth, just like the 'America is racist' narrative here at home.