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It is now painfully obvious to all of us that wish to listen that the Bush/Clinton/Obama uni-party presidency completely sold America out to a rising China.

Recently, Laura Bush joined Michelle Obama in an online effort with A-list celebs to raise money for the World Health Organization (WHO). Yes, that's the same WHO who infamously has been called out by the Trump administration for siding with Beijing and enabling the communist monsters of the Chinese Communist Party to infect the world with the Chinese coronavirus. The effort essentially replaced funding Trump withheld from the organization pending an investigation.

You can read our recent article on the subject here.

It's almost as if the Bushes decided long ago the elites in the country know better than the rest of us, that the Chinese communist model is better, and joined forces with the long-evident support for China by the Obama and Clinton administrations, in order to 'manage our decline'.

“It was a wonderful opportunity to show unity during this moment,” a source on the Obama team tells PEOPLE.

The two former first ladies appeared on the Global Citizen special on Saturday night and were featured alongside A-list performances to share messages of hope, wrote People.

“Good evening, Michelle and I are thrilled to join you tonight in your homes for this special program,” Bush said at the start, appearing from the breezeway sitting room of her and husband George’s Prairie Chapel ranch in Crawford, Texas.

President George W. Bush has made his friendship with the Obamas clear. These are the Obamas that used the power of the Federal executive agencies against the political oppositions, against the American people. Bush has also made his content for the Trump agenda very other words, his contempt for the agenda the American people voted for. Bush also allowed China into the World Trade Organization, like a good globalist.

Clinton sold American technology to the communists during his reign. He famously had Chinese lobbyists renting out the Lincoln bedroom in the White House. How deep his rabbit hole goes we will probably never know.

It's Now Blatantly Obvious The Bush/Clinton/Obama Uni-Party Sold Us Out To China
United States President Barack Obama with former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush before a luncheon at the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas on 25 April 2013

And then there's Obama, who finished what those before him had started, and allowed the complete hollowing out of American manufacturing to the Chinese mainland. We are seeing the fruits of his work now as the stockpiles of medical equipment in the face of the pandemic were bare, and we can't even make our own medicine.

Move along now, these are not the facts you were looking for.

Regarding Trump's attempts during the campaign to talk about the return of American manufacturing, Obama declared,

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it...He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.”

All three of these presidents followed the same script -- the pro-China, anti-American script. Bush even followed Deep State guidance into a multi-trillion $ war with nothing to show for it except thousands of dead and injured Americans, which drained our treasury even further.

If Trump is not re-elected president in November, the uni-party will go right back to getting rich by selling the hearland out to the Chinese Communist Party.

You can take that bet to Vegas.