As We've Said Before, This Is Biological Warfare

China State Media Outlines Motives For Launching Virus On The West
President Ford and daughter Susan watch as Secretary of State Henry Kissinger shakes hands with Mao Tse-Tung; Chairman of Chinese Communist Party, during a visit to the Chairman’s residence, 1975

In an editorial in Chinese state-run media outlet Global Times, the Chinese Communist Party outlined its reasons for launching the Chinese coronavirus on the West -- to weaken the United States economically so America would be impotent in China's coming takeover of Hong Kong. The paper called American threats to retaliate for the annexation of the former British colony a 'nothing burger'.

We have heard China say this several times in the last month, so it is not an accident -- "The US is too weak now to do anything".

I wonder why?

Could it be because the Chinese Communist Party initiated biological warfare on the West? And seems to have achieved its goals?

The paper first mocks the American response to the pandemic (eerily similar to corrupt legacy media reporting in the U.S.):

Nearly 100,000 Americans have died from the COVID-19 epidemic, which exposes a great loophole concerning US human rights. The death toll has proved that ordinary Americans have neither the place nor discourse power under US democracy, wrote The Global Times.

Then the editorial gets to the point...the U.S. is too weak for much of anything.

As the US is entangled in the COVID-19 epidemic, its actual ability to intervene externally is weakening. The White House claimed it would impose sanctions on China, but the tools and resources at its disposal are fewer than those it could mobilize before the outbreak. It is only bluffing, wrote The Global Times.

Regarding American threats to remove Hong Kong's 'special trade status' for offshore transactions, China declared:

The special trade status given by the US is important, but is not a decisive factor to determine whether Hong Kong is a financial center or not. As long as the economy in the Chinese mainland keeps booming, Hong Kong will not decline. If the US changes its policy toward Hong Kong, that will result in a lose-lose situation. But Hong Kong will be able to adjust its way to maintain prosperity with the support of the Chinese central government. 

The entire Western world will not follow the US. China is a huge market and the US is unable to provide enough compensation to offset the losses if Western countries become alienated from China. Values still have a strong appeal, but they cannot replace the fundamental interests of a country in pursuit of development. Besides, China has not intervened in the way of life of Western countries. Taking sides based on values at a disproportionate economic cost is not supposed to be the logic of international relations in the 21st century. 

So here you have it -- China essentially admitting its agenda for allowing the virus to escape to America and kill at least 100,000 of our citizens, while crippling our economy.

We've just been hit by a body blow that killed more than 30 times the deaths at Pearl Harbor or 9/11.

China needs to remember America has other tools at its disposal, like the trillion plus dollars of U.S. Treasuries China owns. 'Strategic default' comes to mind. It's membership in the WTO is another.

Time will tell in this election year how the Trump administration responds to this outrageous series of deliberate acts.