ALPINE, CA -- The campaign to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom is bipartisan, well-organized, resilient, and growing rapidly. So why isn't the CAGOP supporting them and gathering up this large mass of unhappy voters?
California conservatives want to know.
Perhaps it is the same reason that Donald Trump was elected president, without the support of the national GOP establishment -- consultants and donors don't want any one else with their fingers in the GOP pie, even if that pie will die a slow death without them.

Despite gathering hundreds of thousands of signatures, and being on track to gather more signed petitions than any volunteer effort, ever, there is virtually zero media coverage. California’s establishment radio, press, and television networks are determined to ignore the RecallGavin 2020 campaign for the same reasons the CAGOP ought to embrace – it is a rebellion that has attracted millions of disillusioned California voters and it has the potential to fundamentally transform the political landscape of the state, reported the California Globe.
The paper advises the CAGOP to get behind the Recall Newsome campaign, as a way to reach a bipartisan group of angry voters.

Fire a shot that will be heard around the world by supporting the Recall Gavin 2020 campaign, unequivocally and without reservations. This will serve notice to voters that the party means business, and it’s gone onto offense. Have every CAGOP candidate express their support for the recall, and make it the centerpiece of a statewide slate declaring the CAGOP position on the many ballot initiatives facing voters in November.
CDMedia is being de-platformed and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!
Opposing Gavin Newsom gives much needed coherence and excitement to everything else CAGOP is fighting for in this state. For example, there is not one significant state ballot initiative Newsom is for, that CAGOP is not against, nor is there one that he is against, that CAGOP is not supporting. The votes on many of these initiatives will be close. Enlisting the support of the recall volunteers could make the difference.

CDMedia spoke with one volunteer who has been extremely active in the campaign to recall Governor Newsom. Peg Marcus from gave us her thoughts on the reasons so many people are upset and now very active politically.

"I am embarrassed to admit that most of my 70 years on this earth I was not at all politically active. I was content to complain about the choices made by my fellow Americans. Now, as a forty two year resident of southern California, I have watched this once beautiful paradise become a wasteland of homeless people - many of whom suffer from untreated mental health issues. We have illegal immigrants who get more money from the state than the native Californians who have toiled here their whole lives, felons being released early to recommit the same crimes for which they were incarcerated, or worse, mismanaged forests that provide fuel for a virtually year round fire season destroying homes, businesses and hundreds of thousands of acres of land. He [Newsome] closed businesses while leaving his open, moved to an open county so that he and his family would not be subject to his unreasonable mandates, and so much more. I care about my home, my future, and this once beautiful state of California. I urge everyone to sign the petition to recall Gavin Newsom to reclaim our rights and our land."

Perhaps the Recall Newsom campaign deserves a tweet from POTUS as well.