At a rally in Newport News, Virginia, President Trump warned his supporters that the election might be stolen from him, and that the only way he could lose if if there is “mischief.”
President Trump has caused both sides of the aisle to be nervous for the upcoming election, as he refuses to commit to answer that whatever the election results are, he will commit to a peaceful transition of power. At the rally, Trump said, “I want a smooth, beautiful transition. But they don’t add he other part: But it’s got to be an honest vote. This is a disaster waiting to happen.”
Trump continued later on in the rally, “We’re not gonna lose this except if they cheat. That’s the only way we’re gonna lose if there’s mischief, and it’ll have to be on a big scale. We do want a friendly transition, but we don’t want to be cheated and be stupid and say, ‘Oh let’s trans-we’ll go and we’ll do a transition,’ and we know there were thousands and thousand of ballots that made the difference through cheating. We’re not gonna stand for it.”
President Trump has repeatedly warned Americans about mail-in voting fraud. But while experts are quick to point out there is no concrete proof that voter fraud could happen on such a broad level, President Trump has pointed out that mail-in voting has never been done on this scale before. For Carolyn Murphy’s race in New York, for example, it took weeks to find out the results.
In an interview with NBC News, Biden said in response, “This is a typical Trump distraction. He’s trying to make everyone wonder whether or not the election will be legit.”
President Trump said that he could win election night, but then the ballots will continue to come in, and it could take months to find out the results. Some states allow ballots to be counted that are mailed on November 3rd, meaning the election results won’t be known on election night.