Rolling Election Updates

Image by TwinsofSedona

12/18/20 1400 EST - BREAKING: Maricopa County Board Refuses To Allow Audit Of Dominion Machines


1000 EST - Peter Navarro Releases Massive Report On Election Fraud


12/17/20 0900 EST - Deep State Pushes to Deep-Six Intelligence Report Demonstrating Chinese Interference in 2020 Election


12/16/20 1200 EST - AZ state legislature subpoenas for examination of Dominion voting machines in Maricopa County


1600 EST - Battleground states see GOP cast votes in electoral collage with provisional electors


12/14/20 1030 EST - Here Is Antrim County, MI Dominion Voting Systems Forensic Examination Report…Confirms Massive Election Fraud


12/13/20 1800 EST - Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order On Foreign Election Interference


12/12/20 1900 EST - Federal Judge Dismisses Trump’s Election Lawsuit in Wisconsin




12/11/20 1500 EST - Michigan judge allows Secretary of State to intervene in Dominion machine examination case


1630 EST - Rally at Bethpage USPS facility - site of massive illegal ballot harvesting


12/10/20 1500 EST - 6 States Ask Supreme Court to Join Texas Election Lawsuit


1600 EST - 17 States Join Texas in Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania Over Fraudulent Election


12/9/20 1200 EST - Many other states join TX election lawsuit before SCOTUS. President Trump says he will also intervene.


1800 EST - Supreme Court Rejects Pennsylvania GOP Election Injunctive Relief, Plaintiff Can Bring Full Case


1130 EST - Supreme Court Formally Dockets Texas Election Case Against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania And Wisconsin


12/8/20 1100 EST - Texas Asks Supreme Court to Rule Election in Four Battleground States Unconstitutional


1900 EST - Arizona Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Election Challenge After Investigation of 100-Ballot Sample Finds 3% of the Ballots Were Deemed Fraudulent in Favor of Biden


1600 EST - DNI Ratcliffe Says Election 'Issues' Must Be Resolved Before Winner Declared


12/7/20 1500 EST - Sidney Powell to Appeal Dismissal of Georgia Lawsuit


1200 EST - Alito Moves Up Deadline For Supreme Court Briefing In Pennsylvania Case, Bringing Within 'Safe Harbor' Window To Intervene


12/6/20 0900 EST - Flynn cyber team arrives at Antrim County MI courthouse to examine Dominion Voting machines where irregularities were reported


12/5/20 1400 EST - Trump campaign files lawsuit seeking new presidential election in Georgia


2300 EST - MI judge allows Trump legal team to examine 22 Dominion voting machines


12/4/20 2000 EST - NV Judge throws out Trump lawsuit over election fraud - will be appealed

PA representatives send letter to PA Congressional delegation to deny PA electors for Biden


2300 EST - Governor Kemp Calls on Secretary of State Raffensperger to Call for a “Signature Audit” in the State


1600 EST - WI Supreme Court refused to rule on the merits of Trump lawsuit, sends it back to lower courts, in an apparent victory for Trump team as Supreme Court respected evidence provided.


1330 EST - Video Footage From Georgia Shows Suitcases Filled with Ballots Pulled From Under Table AFTER Supervisor Told GOP Poll Workers to Leave Tabulation Center


12/3/20 1000 EST - Attorney Sidney Powell files suit in WI to block certification of election.


2230 EST - 100 lot sample finds 3% fraudulent ballots in AZ, Judge grants larger sample to be tested.


12/2/20 0900 EST - Senator Ted Cruz calls on US Supreme Court to take PA election fraud case.


1700 EST - Attorney Representing GOP Rep. Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell Asks US Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to Pennsylvania’s Mail-In Voting

1600 EST - Georgia Senate to hold hearings on 2020 election 'processes', 'improprieties'


12/1/20 1500 EST - Whistleblowers Allege Ballots Illegally Crossed State Lines, Ballot Backdating, Digital Manipulation


1900 EST - PA legislatures adjourns but other avenues for legislative action still exist. Resolution submitted to review evidence of massive voter fraud.


11/30/20 - AZ holds informal hearing on election fraud with members of legislature


11/29/20 2300 EST - Judge Issues Restraining 3rd Order for 10 Days Preventing GA from Destroying or Erasing Dominion Voting Machines


11/28/20 2030 EST - Pennsylvania Supreme Court Tosses GOP Lawsuit on Absentee Ballots, Lifts Block on Certification of Election...move expected, Legislators will appeal


2330 EST BREAKING: PA Trial Judge Rules 2020 Election Likely Unconstitutional, Bars Further Certification Of State Results, Allows Legislature To Choose Electors


2100 EST Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — DISPUTES STATEWIDE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS


1630 EST Arizona State Legislature to Hold Public Hearing on Election Integrity on Monday, Nov. 30


11/27/20 1500 EST PA Federal Court of Appeals denies Trump complaint to not certify election, sending case to Supreme Court.


2000 EST - Attorney Sidney Powell files massive lawsuit in GA, MI



1700 EST - PA legislative hearing overwhelmingly successful for Trump legal team


1500 EST - NV Court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result


11/25/20 1300 EST - PA Judge forbids state from certifying 'remaining' election results pending evidentiary hearing in state legislature, and in court


1830 EST Trump team wins hearings in Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania legislatures on election concerns


1700 EST Group Files Emergency Petition In Wisconsin After Finding 150,000 Potentially Fraudulent Ballots


1000 EST PA certifies election for Biden, case likely headed to SCOTUS


11/24/20 0400 EST MI state legislature agrees to hearing on voter fraud...probably Wednesday


1630 EST MI certifies vote setting up court challenge, and legislative actions on electors


1600 EST Circuit court allows expedited review in GOP PA legal challenge


11/22/20 1600 EST Trump legal team files appeal in PA certification case


2200 EST Obama-appointed federal judge blocks Trump lawsuit in PA, clearing the way for the case to head to the Supreme Court


11/21/20 1200 EST GA Gov Kemp says he will do another recount, and actually audit ballots...time will tell if this is the case. Attorney Lin Wood declared he thinks the GA election will be declared fraudulent by the 11th Circuit Court.


1800 EST WI recount goes forward with sufficient observers


1400 EST GA certified election results...Trump campaign plans further legal challenges and appeals


0950 EST Dominion Voting Systems BACKS OUT from Testifying Before Pennsylvania State House Committee 


11/20/20 0945 EST A Second Secret Agreement In Georgia Between Democrats and Gwinnett County Is Discovered 


2100 EST GA state executives call vote for Biden, Trump team says flurry of lawsuits coming to stop certification in Federal court


1600 EST Arizona Governor Will Not Accept Election Results Until Court Cases Are Settled


1200 EST Republican/Trump Legal Team Press Conference On Election Fraud


11/19/20 1000 EST - Trump legal team withdraws from MI lawsuit in Federal court after Wayne County board members recant on allowing certification, declaring their families were threatened.


2345 EST Wayne County, Michigan Election Board Republicans Rescind Votes Certifying Results, File Affidavits That Their Families Were Threatened


1200 EST Trump Campaign Files For Recount In Two Wisconsin Counties


11/18/20 1100 EST AZ GOP files suit to stop certification in Maricopa County

2000 EST Rudy Giuliani argues case in Federal court for 7 hours in PA

1930 EST PA Supreme Court denies Trump claim of voter fraud, and prevention of GOP ballot observers overseeing process. Giuliani argues Federal court case also.


11/17/20 1300 EST - Giuliani To Rep Trump In PA Election Case, Remains Absolutely Convinced He'll Win


11/16/20 - Attorney Lin Wood Lodges Lawsuit Seeking To Block Certification Of Georgia Election Results

2000 EST - Trump Campaign Pushes Back on Media Reports of Changed Pennsylvania Case

11/15/20 1200 EST - “I Concede Nothing”: Trump Blasts “Fake News Media” For Saying He Conceded To Biden


1300 Trump attorney Lin Wood files suit against GA Sec of State for unilaterally changing absentee ballot procedures, a role solely relegated to the GA legislature.


11/14/20 0830 EST What we know about reported raid on Scytl server in Germany.


2200 EST - Report: Did the US Raid European Software Company Scytl and Seize their Servers in Germany? — Our Intel Source Says YES, IT HAPPENED! Gateway Pundit confirms. We are still not confirming but reporting on the 'report'. If true, the action is stunning.


2100 EST - FEC Chairman Says He Believes 'There Is Voter Fraud' In Key States


1740 - Rudy Giuliani says Federal lawsuits look winnable in MI, PA, AZ, NV and looking at WI, GA.


1715 EST - MI judge denies injunctive relief in local state voter fraud -- state judge looks to be compromised, case goes to appeal




1500 EST


1200 EST


1100 EST - Giuliani says GA lawsuit will be filed today in Federal court.


11/12/20 0700 EST - Dan Sullivan wins Senate race in AK, giving GOP 50 votes in new Congress.


1050 EST - Hand recount required now in seems the recount is just a process audit, and not an audit of the votes themselves, but will show possible vote tabulation errors via cyber crime.


11/11/20 1030 EST Rudy Giuliani says 10 lawsuits in 10 separate states will be filed by Monday.


11/11/20 0700 EST Trump Files Emergency Injunction In Michigan Alleging Fraud; Demands Recounts Over 'Malfunctioning' Dominion Machines


1440 EST Trump and Tillis win NC, according to Decision Desk HQ


1300 EST 10 state attorneys general join suit against PA for late vote counting after Election Day


11/10/20 0045 EST BREAKING: Expert Declares Vote Must Be Audited


1100 EST Attorney General Barr authorized DOJ to look into voter fraud and not certify vote until questions answered.

“Given this, and given that voting in our current elections has now concluded, I authorize you to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections in your jurisdictions in certain cases, as I have already done in specific instances,” he said.

OH AG asks US Supreme Court to prevent late ballots from being counted in PA.

Georgia US GOP senators Perdue and Loeffler on Monday demand Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's resignation in a scathing joint statement.


1300 EST Trump fires Secretary of Defense Mark Esper


1110 EST - Rudy Giuliani says massive statewide lawsuit filed shortly in PA over election fraud.


1045 EST Trump trending to win AZ.

11/9/20 1400 EST Corrupt Media Propagates Deep State Disinformation


11/9/20 0005 EST Massive Michigan Voter Fraud Effectively Exposed In Lawsuits


1420 EST Wisconsin Poll Workers Allegedly Altered Thousands Of Invalid Ballots: Report


1400 EST Former President George W. Bush releases statement saying 'election was run fairly', confirming he is part of the con.

11/8/20 1130 EST

“There Are Facts of Fraud” – Rudy Giuliani: Trump Team To File Lawsuits Against Pennsylvania on Monday for Violating Federal Law — 800,000 Votes COMPLETELY INVALID! (Video


1500 EST

VIDEO: Trump Legal Team Press Conference Philadelphia Today...Evidence Presented


11/8/20. 1400 EST Corrupt media calls election for Biden in coordinated's all information warfare, nothing has been decided...the evidence is coming of massive election fraud, they are desperate to cover it up...

We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process.  Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.

Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room – and then fight in court to block their access.

So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands. – President Donald J. Trump




2005 EST - GA military absentee ballots likely to put Trump on top of vote, even with massive Dem corruption


2000 EST - America's Voice under DDOS attack and website down...


1930 EST - Trump says Biden should not claim presidency as legal proceedings are just beginning...


1415 EST - PA court orders provisional ballots Trump team 2nd win


1000 EST - Trump campaign - This election is not over and Trump is not conceding, no matter what Fox News says.


0928 EST - CDMedia Editorial Opinion...

Donald Trump was elected POTUS on Nov 3...everyone knows that. Trump will not concede and give away America to communist China. This will be decided in the courts, or the Constitutional process...where GOP holds all the cards.


11/6/20 0920 EST Biden pulls ahead in fake ballot count in GA and PA.

Corrupt media calls Biden win, you knew this was coming...


1850 EST President Trump speaks from The White House on the attempted coup

POTUS - "We will not let them steal such an important election..."


1500 EST Just The News/Real America's Voice/Star doing a forensic examination of corrupt state voting process


1430 EST Trump court win announce by Pam Bondi - GOP can now monitor votes in PA, lawsuits ongoing, Trump to win Arizona


1415 EST Steve Bannon saying state legislatures will pick electors due to contested elections. "We control the House through state delegations per the Constitution, the Supreme Court, the Senate, and state legislatures."

"We won and now we have to use the Constitution to defend that..."


11/5/20 1400 EST Cyber Source Presents Hard Evidence Of Electronic Voter Change…Massive Election Fraud


1935 EST - Trump campaign files lawsuit in GA.


1923 EST - Trump campaign declares Trump will win presidency by the end of the week...

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani says vote-count watchers prevented from observing vote counts

“They are there to ensure that we don’t see magical ballots delivered by Gov. Wolf,” Trump senior campaign advisor Jason Miller said regarding the Trump legal team showing up in PA.

“We call on both Fox News and the Associated Press to immediately withdraw their calling the state for Joe Biden,” Miller said.

“By the end of this week, it will be clear to the entire nation that President Trump and Vice President Pence will be reelected for another four years,” he said.


1849 EST - Status Update...

This is no where near over yet. This has just begun. AZ has been put back in the toss up column. The cabal is ceding GA and NC to Trump, as they know they can't steal enough there. AK is still a toss up. Trump has claimed victory in PA and MI, and has filed lawsuits in both, and a recount in WI, where he also won.

This will now be decided by the lawyers and the courts, and Trump has Glorious ACB in his back pocket.

You may not understand the silence of The White House, we sure don't, but we take it as they are working a plan methodically.

Joe Biden, the AP, CNN, don't decide who wins. The American people do through our system.

Let the system work, be calm, show your support, and demand the rule of law.


1822 EST - Trump Campaign claims victory in PA, MI, NC, GA...


1555 EST - ABC News removes Arizona from Biden win column


1543 EST - Trump Campaign also sues to stop count in PA over ballot-counting access

In Pennsylvania, the campaign said it is moving to intervene in an existing Supreme Court case related to that state’s extension of its mail-in ballot receipt deadline, reported CNBC.

Separately, the campaign is filing two legal actions: one aimed at stopping what the campaign called the “hiding” by Democratic officials of “ballot counting and processing from our Republican poll observers,” the other which seeks to undo an order extending the deadline for absentee and mail-in voters to provide missing proof of identification.


1535 EST - Trump Campaign to give press conference in Philadelphia. Watch Live!

1500 - Giuliani brings legal team to PA


1420 EST - Trump sues for access to MI ballot counting sites

“As votes in Michigan continue to be counted, the presidential race in the state remains extremely tight as we always knew it would be,” said Bill Stepien, Trump 2020 campaign manager.

“President Trump’s campaign has not been provided with meaningful access to numerous counting locations to observe the opening of ballots and the counting process, as guaranteed by Michigan law,” Stepien said.

“We have filed suit today in the Michigan Court of Claims to halt counting until meaningful access has been granted. We also demand to review those ballots which were opened and counted while we did not have meaningful access. President Trump is committed to ensuring that all legal votes are counted in Michigan and everywhere else.”


1330 EST - Michigan reviewing results...

A county in the battleground state of Michigan is reviewing the Election Day vote count after the clerk “became aware of apparently skewed results.”

Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy learned of the skewed results in unofficial tabulations, the county said in a statement, reported The Epoch Times.

Since then, her office has been reviewing the results “and the multiple redundancies to search out any possible discrepancies.”

Staff members are working with township officials and Election Source, the company that provides the voting software programs and hardware.

“By this afternoon, we expect to have a clear answer and a clear plan of action addressing any issue,” Guy said in a statement. “Until then, we are asking all interested parties to bear with us while we get to the bottom of this.”


1325 EST - AZ still in play...


11/4/20 1310 EST - Trump campaign to request recount in Wisconsin.

“Wisconsin has been a razor thin race as we always knew that it would be,” Trump's campaign manager Bill Stepien declared in a statement.

“There have been reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results...The president is well within the threshold to request a recount and we will immediately do so.”