The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up.Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week...
To read more visit Revolver News.
US military is the last trusted institution in this country - they hold elections in war zones.
They can do it here.
No recount of phony ballots.
how everyone is ignoring this MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD and the disenfranchisement of millions of Americans, turning America into a puppet regime with an illegitimate POTUS is a crime of historical proportion
All you hear is "there is no evidence" "where is the evidence". All the while IGNORING all the evidence put in their faces. It's just Orwellian. They are trying to gas light us into believing bunker campaign Biden got 10 million MORE votes than Democrat rock stars Obama and Clinton. Sorry...even Kameltoe would have a hard time swallowing that load.