Nancy's 'Put Them In Jail' Totalitarian Scenario Currently Playing Out In Soros-Linked Albania
Image by Alboholic
Albania Prime Minister Edi Rama

If you ever wondered where Speaker Nancy pelosi's 'I want to put him in jail' comment originated, look no further than the tiny Balkan nation of Albania, and the actions of the socialist, Soros-linked government. CD Media has written extensively about the corruption in Tirana, whether it be the government itself and the country's march towards an oligarch-controlled state, or the actions of the Obama-holdovers in the U.S. State Department who have been actively thwarting President Trump's agenda from the U.S. embassy in the capital city.

The Rama government has worked to destroy the constitutional process in Albania by rendering the Constitutional Court impotent via so-called 'judicial reform'.

Recently audio tapes emerged of officials in the Rama government speaking with organized crime figures in the country to buy votes in the last nation-wide election. This revelation sparked massive civli unrest and the opposition party demanded Rama resign and new elections be held.

Rama is a close associate with George Soros; Rama even attended his last wedding. George's son, Alex Soros, has also been entwined with the Rama government as he works to implement his father's plan to swap territory between Kosovo and Serbia behind the backs of the people.

Many warned this scheme may lead to another Balkan War and this prediction may be coming true as Serbia this week threatened to invade Kosovo and ask for Moscow's assistance to protect Serbs in the northern Kosovo region. Pristina declared they had made arrests of Serbian organized crime figures including a Russian U.N worker during a recent special forces raid near the Serbian border.

Of course, the Rama government did not take kindly to the opposition threatening their hold on power; hence the head prosecutor has charged opposition figure Lulzim Basha with illegal behavior to 'put him in jail'.

What are Basha's supposed crimes? You guessed it...he's linked to 'the Russians'.

Sound familiar?

After all, it was Hillary who famously said in one of her stolen emails, “I would only do this for political reasons (ie to make Soros happy)."