Dekalb County, GA Is Throwing Away Ballots, Envelopes, Other Information Required To Be Retained By Law For 22 Months In Senate Runoff Race...Question Is, Why?
Ballot found in dumpster outside of Dekalb County, GA election facilities after Nov 3rd election

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Eye witnesses to ballot manufacturing/harvesting operations in Arizona during and after the 2020 U.S. general election presented information to state officials in late 2020/early 2021. They were ignored.

The information is now being brought before a 'We The People' case using a 'citizens grand jury' in Georgia. Evidence is provided below ballots were sent to GA from AZ.

Below is also expert testimony to be presented to the Grand Jury.

The information regards a firm called 'Fieldworks' which was suspected of election fraud in 2016 (links and information below).

Information is also below showing evidence of illegal ballot harvesting in GA.


The following is a statement from Mr. Gerald Buglione taken on Monday July 19th 2021. The statement was conducted via telephone. Mr Buglione resides in Surprise Arizona, the undersigned was in New Jersey. 

Q) Mr. Buglione, where do you currently reside?

A) Surprise Arizona 

Q) Mr. Buglione  can you state your professional work experience

A) I was a Newark Police Officer for 28 years. I started in 1986 and retired June 1 2014 with the rank of Lieutenant 

Q) Can you tell me your assignments as a member of the Newark Police Department?

A) From 1991 to 1997 I was a Detective in the narcotics unit. From 1997 to 2000 I was a Detective in the intelligence unit. 2000 to 2001 I was a police sergeant. From 2001 until 2006 I was Detective Lieutenant. I supervised a detective unit investigating aggravated assaults, thefts and burglaries . In 2006 I was promoted to Lieutenant and supervised a detective unit investigation citizen complaints .I also supervised special operations with the DEA, Customs and Postal Service, I did this from 2006 to 2007.  When I was then transferred to the narcotics and gang squad. Here we did long term  narcotics and gang investigations, gathered intelligence . I was using our intelligence to work with the Essex and Hudson County Homicide task force which I was also assigned to. Where I retired from on June 1 2014 with 28 years of service. 

Q) After you retired did you continue to work?

A) Yes ,I worked for Global Mark Security from 2016 to 2019 doing armed security, threat assessment and investigation. 

Q) Since you have moved to Arizona, have you continued to work? and where?

A) I worked security for Wigwam Resort, Litchfield Arizona from January 2020 until the end of November 2020, I was furloughed for the month of July. 

Q) In your role of security officer for the resort did you come across a situation that you thought unusual? and can you explain what occurred ?

A) Yes I did, In September 0f 2020 a company called Fieldworks LLC rented 2 ballrooms for six weeks preceding the 2020 presidential election, as part of my duties I was to check on and secure all hotel facilities and ballrooms, when I went to the two ballrooms rented by Fieldworks LLC I was denied access. I was told by Fieldworks workers I was not allowed in . I question them as to why, as I was resort security and that was our job to safeguard all property and possessions, I was given a stern answer that I was not allowed in the two ballrooms. I found this strange because security had always had access to every location ,as these were big money high end ballrooms. I asked them what they are there for and again they refused to answer stating I was not allowed in. Security was never denied access to the ballrooms by any other entity. Even Vice President Mike Pence had utilized these ballrooms and the Secret Service submitted an itinerary and co ordinated with hotel security. 

Q) What did you do next?

A) I went to check for the itinerary  for contact information, this is hotel standard procedure, I was unable to find the itinerary. Fieldworks had either not given one to the hotel or was hiding it.I asked some of the other security personnel if they knew where it was, No one did.  I went to my boss and asked him what this was all about all he told me was they were a political group and he didn't know anything else.  

Q) What happened during the course of Fieldworks time at the resort?A) During my rounds I noticed there was a sign up ,they were hiring people to work for $21 an hour, I asked some of the other resort workers about this and I was told they were recruiting workers for voter registration.  During their time there I observed people constantly moving in and out of the ballrooms and they were moving boxes back and forth in and out.The ballrooms were filled with computers and workers and boxes of voting ballots.  One day there was a Federal express package at the desk for them and I delivered it to the ballroom, no one was at the door so I went in looking for someone, when I went into the ballroom with the package I saw voting ballots loaded in bins, the room was filled with them. I was then approached by a Fieldworks worked and they told me I was not allowed to be in there. I told them I was bringing them a package. They took the package and told me to leave. These were the same boxes that they were wheeling in and out the whole time, I then found out that they were hiring workers from Arizona to drive to Georgia and work there. Also the Fieldworks group was working strange hours, coming in extra early and parking with immunity, not following any of the rules, I went to the Director of Security and asked him about this group and the activities that were going on and he ignored me. I asked some of the other resort workers about them and was met with silence ,no one wanted to talk or get involved. 

Q)What were feelings based on these observations ?

A) Based on my experience in investigations and what I knew about the presidential election I believed this was election fraud and ballot harvesting. 

Q) What else did you do?

A) I made a phone call to Congresswoman Debbie Lasko , she is the congresswoman for Surprise Arizona. I wanted to forward the information to her. I spoke to a staffer who was not interested in what I had to say, the staffer told me the Congresswoman or someone would get back to me but they never did. I then placed a phone call to Stan Fitzgerald because I knew he was working on the Georgia election and forwarded the information I had to him 

Q) You said based on your experience in the field of investigations that you think this was ballot harvesting and election fraud. Can you tell me have you ever testified in court?

A) Yes  

Q) Have you ever testified as an expert witness in court?

A) Yes 

Q) Approximately how many times?

A) I've testified hundreds of times as an expert witness  I've testified in Federal, State, and Municipal court all as an expert witness in police criminal investigations  

Q) Can you state some of your training in the field of investigations.

A) I attended the following courses during the course of my career  that pertained to investigations, plus I participated as a detective and supervised as a Sgt and Lt. thousands of investigations        

Bergen Co. NJ Police Academy Drug Enforcement Administration, Basic Drug Education National Intelligence Academy-Electronic Surveillance/Covert Operations Ft. Lauderdale,  FL.  John Jay College of Criminal Justice- NYPD and NY State Police DEA, US Customs Services and ATFSea Girt, NJ.   Top Gun School, Narcotics Investigations of Prosecutors  NYPD Basic Detective School.   Brooklyn NY Narcotics trafficking and undercover operations.  Newark Police Academy Supervisor education..Union CO, NJ  Instruction in Interviewing Techniques.  Truck Interdiction Operation Desert Snow McGuire A.F.B. NJ. 

Q) Has everything you told me the truth

A) Yes it is 

Q) Thank you Statement  of Mr Gerald Buglione concluded at this time


Below is a photo taken of ballots sent from Arizona to Georgia during the 2020 election cycle, produced by Runbeck Election Services, a firm tied closely to the Democrat Party. The ballots were found in a warehouse in Fulton County, GA. after Nov 3rd.


CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!       

WPolitics reported the following in January of this year:


Runbeck Election Services has a website where they affirm:

Since 1972, Runbeck Election Services has preserved the integrity of the American democratic process. We partner with cities, counties and states to provide a trusted election experience with ballot print and mail services, and equipment and software technology solutions that are accurate, transparent and efficient.

Rey Valenzuela, the Director of Elections for Maricopa County Arizona is listed on the front page of Runbeck’s website. He provides the one and only testimony of Runbeck where he shares:

Runbeck Elections is a subject matter expert on the process. They are always involved and want to know more. Runbeck is reliant as a partner, not a vendor; their competence helps them identify issues before they become an issue.

Having the Director of Elections for Maricopa County Arizona as your reference is not a good thing; it clearly indicates connections to corrupt election activities.

Although not listed as a member of the Executive Team, Brian Runbeck identifies himself as the Client Services Manager/Project Manager and Production Coordinator at Runbeck Election Services.

He manages the production of election ballots and related official election material. He says he handles high-pressure deadlines and high volume production.

Mr. Runbeck also made 50 different donations to Act Blue, Biden for President, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee between August 15 and October 30, 2020:

Fieldworks was investigated in PA in 2016 for voter fraud reported WPVI TV as shown below:


MEDIA, Pa. (WPVI) -- The issue of voter fraud has become part of the political conversation this year, with complaints and warnings coming primarily from the Republican side of the coin.

Thursday morning, Congressman Patrick Meehan called for United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch to launch an investigation of FieldWorks LLC.

FieldWorks bills itself as a Democratic Grassroots organization.

State Police raided its Delaware County office earlier this week, looking for evidence of voter registration fraud.

Meehan and other local Republicans question whether roughly 7,000 registrations were submitted by the Oct. 11 deadline and other irregularities.

"What do you do about the 52 registrations in which there's no valid address? It's not that there's no valid address. There's an address listed. There's just no such location in Delaware County," said Meehan.

FieldWorks denied any wrongdoing in a statement to Action News, and said it's cooperating with investigators.

Witnesses will also present testimony of alleged election fraud in ballot harvesting in GA.

Background- Target company is Fieldworks LLC , a Democrat operative organization whose Delaware County office was raided by the PA state police in 2016 seeking evidence of voter registration fraud. In December 2020 their website was offering employment in GA for what we allege was ballot curing in the upcoming Senate run off on Jan 5th. Curing of course is not illegal but in GA the state has specific laws and procedures, none of which include third parties going to homes and handling the ballots - at that point it becomes criminal harvesting. GA requires cured ballots to be mailed back by the voter prior to the election or they must vote in person on election day. The November election was plagued with harvesting in GA , in fact David Litt of the Biden campaign itself boldly tweeted on November 4th at 5:32pm -- "Anyone in Georgia? Team Joe needs people to go door to door helping voters fix their mail in ballots so they count. Sign up! “ The problem is based on my understanding of Georgia law there is no way these ballots could be mailed in the special secured cured envelopes so the voters were supposed to vote in person making the tweet from the Biden campaign a criminal conspiracy to commit ballot harvesting.