American Conversations - The Fight Against Medical Tyranny

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Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood talk do a deep dive with guests on the drive to enslave the world.

Episode 72 - The Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Grace's Dad Scott Schara

Host Christine Dolan speaks with Scott Schara about the death of his daughter at the hands of hospital authorities. Will your child also be labeled 'Do Not Resuscitate' against your will?

Episode 71 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - David Bell - The WHO Taking Western Sovereignty

Host Christine Dolan speaks with David Bell, formerly of the WHO on the attempt to assume Western Sovereignty.

Episode 70 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny- Kory, Desselle, Saleeby

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan interviews Angelia Desselle, a Pfizer vaxed-injured, along with Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Yusuf "JP" Saleeby, who treat covid vaxed-injured about acknowledging and treating these patients.

Episode 69 – Canadian Vax Injured Diane Spaulding

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan interviews Dianne Spaulding, who lives in Toronto, Canada.

Episode 68 - Jill Malone -- "Lies My Government Told Me" by Robert Malone

CDMedia's Christine Dolan interviews Jill Glasspool Malone PhD, who co-authored Lies My Gov't Told Me. 

During the conversation, Dr. Robert Malone's presentation in October 2022 with Dr. Paul Marik is mentioned.

Episode 67-Fight Against Medical Tyranny-Dallas Judge Candidate Lauren Davis

American Conversations Co-Host Christine Dolan interviews Lauren Davis, candidate for Dallas County Judge.

Davis is a Mama Bear of three children hoping to unseat the man who shutdown her business and harmed children in school during covid.

Episode 66-Fight Against Medical Tyranny-Remdesivir-Attorneys Daniel Watkins And Michael Hamilton

Losing your rights and your life in hospitals with remdesivir.

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan interviews attorneys Daniel Watkins and Michael Hamilton who are taking on hospitals for forcing remdesivir on patients. 

Episode 65 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - USCGA Cadet Sophia Galdamez

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with former US Coast Guard Academy Sophia Galdamez, who recently was discharged after her request for religious exemption to the Covid vaccine mandate was refused, along with six other cadets.

Episode 64 - American Conversations - Lisa Deane Of Demand Zero - Stop Fentanyl

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Lisa Deane, who founded Demand Zero, to stop the import of Fentanyl into Connecticut.

Episode 63-Fight Against Medical Tyranny-Dr Meryl Nass On Novavax

Host Christine Dolan speaks with Dr. Meryl Nass on the Novavax shots -- are they safe and effective?

Episode 62-Fight Against Medical Tyranny- Kelly O'Meara

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with author and activist Kelly O'Meara on big Pharma.

Episode 61-Fight Against Medical Tyranny-Dr Lawrence Sellin On CCP/WEF/Big Pharma Collusion

Hosts L Todd Wood and Christine Dolan speak with COL Lawrence Sellin (USA, Retired) on the collusion between the CCP/WEF/Big Pharma to take over the world.

Episode 60-Fight Against Medical Tyranny, CHD's Mary Holland And Brian Hooker - Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda Documentary

CDM's American Conversation Co-Host Christine Dolan interviews Children's Health Defense's President and General Counsel Mary Holland and Dr. Brian Hooker, CHD's Chief Scientist.

Episode 59 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Australian Senator Gerard Rennick

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Australian Senator Gerard Rennick on the fight against medical tyranny down under.

Episode 58 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Australian Dr. Robyn Cosford

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Australian Dr. Robyn Cosford about medical tyranny down under.

Episode 57 Part 2 - Wayne Moore From Australia - Brother Died From Vax

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Australian Wayne Moore, who's brother died from the vax, and his efforts to fight medical tyranny down under.

Episode 57 (Part 1) - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Australian Wayne Moore

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan holds a global conversation with Australian Wayne Moore who's brother died from the vaccine.

Episode 56 - EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW With Vax-Injured Angelia Desselle On FLCCC Treatment Protocols

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan interviews vax-injured Angelia Desselle on the breaking treatment protocols for vax-injured by FLCCC.

Episode 55 - EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: DR. Paul Marik, Pierre Kory On Breaking Treatment Protocol For Vaccine Injured

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with FLCCC's Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory on their breaking release of new new treatment protocol for Covid vaccine injured patients.

Episode 54 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan talks with Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts about medical tyranny down under.

Episode 53 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Australian Dr. Cristopher Neil

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Australian Dr. Christopher Neil on medical tyranny down under.

Episode 52 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Australian Dr. Duncan Syme

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Australian Dr. Duncan Syme on medical tyranny down under.

Episode 51 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Dr. Meryl Nass

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Dr. Meryl Nass on the corruption in Covid-19 treatment and the prevention of repurposed drugs which were safer and more effective than the vaccines.

Episode 50 - Truckers For Freedom Docuseries - First Episode Released May 15!

CDMedia's Christine Dolan talks with the Truckers for Freedom film crew about the coming docuseries to be released on May 15 for episode 1!

Episode 49 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Tony Lyons Skyhorse Publishing

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Tony Lyons of Skyhorse Publishing regarding the book 'The Real Anthony Fauci' - What the information in this book means for everyone at the personal level.

Episode 48 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Drs Robert And Jill Malone

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Drs Robert and Jill Malone on the fraud committed by the FDA and big Pharma in Covid-19 vaccine development and approval.

Episode 47 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny, Mary Holland, Children's Health Defense

American Conversations Host Mary Holland speaks with Children's Health Defense Chief Counsel on the corruption in our medical system.

Episode 46 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview Danny Bulford, RCMP SWAT

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Danny Bulford, an RCMP SWAT sniper who sided with the Ottawa truckers.

Episode 45 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Dr. Riffat Qadir

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Dr. Riffat Qadir on her treatment protocols for Covid-19 and her focus on integrating natural remedies.

Episode 44 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Attorney Laura Mills

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Attorney Laura Mills on the fight against social injustice and big Pharma.

Episode 43 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Angelia Desselle - Defeat The Mandates Rally CA

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with vex-injured Angelia Desselle on the coming Defeat the Mandates rally in California on April 10th.

Episode 42 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Dr. Aaron Kheriaty on his stand against the vaccine.

Episode 41 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Laura Sextro, Unity Project

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Laura Sextro, the CEO of The Unity Project, on the Defeat The Mandates rally on April 10th in California.

Episode 40 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Amy Bohn, President PERK

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan talks with Amy Bohn, the president of PERK (Parents for Education Rights of Kids). Amy moved 'back' to California to get in the fight for our children.

Episode 39 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Del Bigtree On Defeat The Mandates Rally CA

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Del Bigtree on the Defeat the Mandates Rally on April 10, 2022 in California.

Episode 38 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Amy Reichart, ReOpen San Diego

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Amy Reichart, of ReOpen San Diego on the coming Defeat the Mandates rally in California.

Episode 37 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Mary Holland, GC Children's Health Defense

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Mary Holland, the general counsel for Children's Health Defense on continuing data being released on the deadly Covid shots.

"There will be tragic long-term consequences for many..."

Episode 36 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview with Journalist Jeremy Hammond

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with journalist Jeremy Hammond on Covid medical tyranny.

"Trained journalists are simply not doing their jobs…"

Episode 35 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Truckers For Freedom Film Crew

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with the film crew for Truckers for Freedom on where we go from here.

Episode 34 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Truckers For Freedom Film Team Ottawa

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan And L Todd Wood speak with the film team from Truckers for Freedom in Ottawa.

"It is unbelievable how people who love freedom are taking care of us…"

Episode 33 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Attorney Thomas Renz

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Attorney Thomas Renz on DoD corruption with vaccine injuries.

"They are killing our military…"

Episode 32 – Fight Against Medical Tyranny – Interview With Ken Ruettgers

American conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with medical freedom activist Ken Ruettgers.

“If politicians are silent on the mandates, don’t vote for them…”

Episode 31 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Canadian Actress Sofia Karstens

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Canadian actress and health freedom activist Sofia Karstens.

"I'm so proud of my fellow Canadians…"

Episode 30 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview with Human Rights Advocate Reggie Littlejohn

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with human rights advocate Reggie Littlejohn on the dangers of the vaccine passport.

"We are implementing China's surveillance system here..."

Episode 28 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Trucking For Freedom Update

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan talks with the Truckers For Freedom leadership, with an update from Ottawa.

"We have a duty to humanity…"

Episode 27 - Fight Against Medical Tyranny - Interview With Ross Mason Of High Impact Network Of Responsible Innovators

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Ross Mason, 'Chief Innovator' at the High Impact Network for Responsible Innovators on his medical trauma experience and the corruption in our medial establishment.

"Healthcare is all about the money…"

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood talk with Stephanie Locricchio of Children's Health Defense on the Defeat the Mandates March DC.

"This is a completely nonviolent march…"

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Dr. Pierre Kory of FLCCC on the Defeat the Mandates March DC, big Pharma, and medical corruption.

"They are killing people…"

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood talk with Defeat The Mandates DC March Comms Director Trevor FitzGibbon on the speaker line up for this Sunday, Jan 23 in Washington, D.C.

"This march will be entirely peaceful no matter what the corrupt media says..."

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan talks with Kevin Jenkins of the Urban Global Health Alliance about the Jan 23 Defeat the Mandates DC March.

"Nonviolence is the way you create great change in the world..."

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with FLCCC Founder Dr. Paul Marik about the Defeat The Mandates March in Washington DC, on Jan 23.

"Safe and Effective is one big lie…"

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan talks with Greg Glaser, attorney for America's Frontline Doctors on SCOTUS and OSHA mandate.

"Let's unpack the SCOTUS decision on OSHA mandate..."

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Jefferey Silverman who is walking from New York City to Washington D.C., to speak at the March Against The Mandates on January 23rd.

"I really want to help the healthcare workers who have been fired…"

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with 'Michael', an Israeli human rights activist and pastor.

"People cannot image how evil things really are…"

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak to Amy and Todd Butterfield - the backstory behind the medical tyranny of the Israeli green pass.

"The choice whether or not to take and injection is a human right…"

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Holocaust survivor Vera Sharov on the parallels between The Third Reich and today's medical tyranny, and who's behind it all…

"The entire medical establishment was involved every step of the way…"

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with former Pharma executive Duane Armstrong for a second time, as he delivers new information on the corruption inside our medical community.

"Their behavior is getting much worse…"

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Stephanie Locricchio of Children's Health Defense on the vaccine mandates and vaccinating children.

"It's my choice and I will NOT comply…"

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Covid treatment entrepreneur Steve Kirsch on the lies of big Pharma, and government agencies.

"I offered Gavin Newsom $5M if he could prove he was not vaccine-injured…"

Dr. Andy Wakefield of Children's Health Defense outlines how to talk with those in the dark about vaccines.

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with former Pharma executive Duane Armstrong about the corruption in the industry today and the loss of the 'credo'.

"While listening to Senator Johnson's hearing I could not believe what I was hearing…"

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Dr. Andy Wakefield on the vaccine-autism connection of the 1990s.

"What we are seeing today is the same thing that happened in the '90s but on steroids…"

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with vaccine-injured activist Kristi Dobbs on her reaction to FDA Approval of the Covid 'vaccines'.

"No matter the FDA decision, we will keep fighting for treatment, and public awareness…"

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with philanthropist Steve Kirsch on the absolute corruption of government agencies and the medical community.

"The vaccines will kill 117 kids for every one they save..."

Host Christine Dolan speaks with parents of vax-injured child Laura & Scott Bono and why parents have to get involved in stopping the push to vaccinate children with the dangerous Covid vaccines.

"Parents absolutely have to stand up against this vaccine mandate for kids…"

Host Christine Dolan speaks with producer and manger at Children's Health Defense Polly Tommey on the barbaric approval of vaccinating children with dangerous Covid vaccines.

"Once you put that needle in their arm you will never get your child back..."

Host Christine Dolan speaks with Mary Holland, General Counsel of Children's Health Defense on the horror of authorizing Covid vaccines for young children.

"I wake up every morning fearing the murder of children that is about to happen..."

Host Christine Dolan speaks with vaccine-injured Kristi Dobbs on her horror the FDA is approving Covid-19 vaccines for young children.

"The FDA knew early this year of neurological damage to children from Covid vaccines - kids are going to die."

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood talk with the Director of Big Data Poll, Richard Baris, on how the 'vaccines' are targeting younger people, women and blacks for serious adverse reactions.

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with retired surgeon Dr. Chris Casscells on the medical tyranny cabal – big Pharma, the US government, and the medical community.

"If it walks and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck."

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with renown human rights attorney Mary Holland on the phalanx of medical tyranny - big Pharma, the US government, and the medical community.

"If you don't control what goes into your body, you don't control anything..."
