American Conversations - Taking Down The CCP

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This series of interviews is part of American conversations by Christine Dolan, focusing on the eventual downfall of the Chinese Communist Party.

Episode 3 - Interview with Reggie Littlejohn In Her Fight Against Xi Jinping's Wife Regarding Female Education

In our continuing series - Taking Down The CCP - American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks to Reggie Littlejohn, President and Founder of Women's Rights Without Frontiers. She is leading a campaign calling for UNESCO to strip Ms. Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping, from her position as “Special Envoy for the Promotion of Girl’s and Women’s Education."

Episode 2 - Taking Down The CCP - Interview With Reggie Littlejohn

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Reggie Littlejohn of Woman’s Rights Without Frontiers, on the importance of boycotting The Genocide Games in Beijing.
“Don’t Watch The Genocide Games…”

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Frank Gaffney of the Committee of the Present Danger China.

"We not be at war with China, but they are at war with us..."
