"The long gray line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white crosses, thundering those magic words: Duty, Honor, Country..."
General Douglas MacArthur, in his final speech to West Point
This column is to my fellow veterans, those who have worn the uniform of the United States military. I ask you, are we the generation to lose America?
The barbarians are literally at the gates, pushing open the borders, inviting racial division, scheming to destroy the electoral college, eviscerating self-reliance and promoting government dependency, refusing to defend our nation, reducing our education system to nothing more than propaganda, censoring free speech, and corrupting our youth.
The consequences of these policies will be no less destructive than an invasion by Nazi Germany.
How long will we let this go on?
We swore an oath to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC, even though I believe most of this is being pushed by communist China with her allies inside the United States.
There are millions of us out there. I for one say it is time to rise up, and defend the country we all love so dear.
Our oath demands it.
This has nothing to do with race; racism is a canard used by the corrupt left.
This has to do with honor.
This means banding together, supporting our president, forcefully calling out the lies when you see it, ensuring a rational education for your children at the local level, and making sure POTUS gets re-elected. In other words -- get involved!
Otherwise, America is gone.
My brothers and sisters, who will join me?
No guts, no glory. The Vietnam era generation shut down. The war protesters and the vets are fat dumb and happy and are indistinguishable.
Wrong Bucko! I can't speak for all, but this Viet Vet is an old timer, and I am keeping my powder dry until it will be effective to use it. Conflating us with the protesters just shows your youth and ignorance. What are you a vet of, and why aren't you out there leading the way?
Ugh...read my bio, and I started this conversation remember?
I'm with you, just say when
"The barbarians are literally at the gates, pushing open the borders, inviting racial division, scheming to destroy the electoral college, eviscerating self-reliance and promoting government dependency, refusing to defend our nation, reducing our education system to nothing more than propaganda, censoring free speech, and corrupting our youth."
The "barbarians" are not Chinese, or even Muslims.
They are Democrats.
We are here, and will do what is needed when the time comes.
You need to be a tad more specific when you ask who will join me. What do you have in mind?
I am ready to defend the constitution and my fellow patriots from the obvious
domestic enemy, which is the newly generated Democrat party. We can deal with
the foreign enemies later. The immediate enemy is those who hate the country and
our constitution and want it drastically changed
I'm with ya bro...
It's already lost.
It's people with an attitude like that who don't leave the foxhole under their own power.
Airborne! Brothers & Sisters.
civilization has destroyed itself.......... the military had nothing to do with it......MANKINDS desire to make life better for his children is what generates complacency, idiocy and the transfer of power to females.........KABOOM. Females destroy everything, they are actually responsible.
This is not the time for more than active participation, study, voting, and prep. Our bottom line is restoration of the rule of law. If we burn that village in order to save it, reconstruction will be a b..ch so we don't want to get there before we must.
Read para. 2 of the Declaration for what drove the colonials to revolt: We WILL know if/when we get there.
Vietnam Vet here.
Many did checkout after Saigon and Carter.
Trump Woke Me in 2015.
Enemy inside perimeter - The time has come, for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
We must stand up but do so in accordance with the law. We must not jump to any conclusion we must let the processes in place play out. Only then if they fail can we be justified in standing up against a known failure of the system that is leading to tyranny and destruction of the country.
Our founders went through a process of warning England that we had reached our limit and they needed to listen. Only after they refused and took action did our founders then take action and continue until victory.
This is our blueprint to follow. Disobedience of an order is allowed if the order is unlawful. But first the unlawful order must be given it can't be presumed.
But be ready as we may need to take steps.
Read the history of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides and the commentaries by such as Mogens Herman Hansen’s The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes and Victor Davis Hanson’s The War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War to learn that we veterans have nothing to do with it.
We were effective tools during our service, now cast aside just as the Hoplites were. EVERYTHING in controversy now was tried by the Ancient Greeks and still the Athenian mobocracy fell. Case in point; stuffing SCOTUS. The numbers of the Athenian court grew steadily until it was comprised of all citizens - 6,000.
The Lacedaemonian Spartans constitution was effective for seven centuries.
If you are a conservative, please join the ranks of conservatives taking over your County’s Republican Party. With a modest influx of conservatives, we can take control of the Republican Party from RINOs.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0KrbgmDhjA&t=80s is a video of under 7 minutes. From