Saint James the Greater .*oil on canvas .*92.1 x 74.9 cm .*signed b.r.: Rembrandt f. 1661

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I’m taking a break from my series about Transhumanism.  But I will write the third and final part of the series hopefully this week… In the meantime, this is what God put on my heart:

Obviously we are praying. Prayer remains the answer to a spiritual problem. Spiritual Solutions to spiritual problems? Amen..?

I have written extensively on why most of my life I chose not to vote: 1. I didn't think it mattered whether or not I voted, 2. I thought it was probably rigged, 3. None of the candidates interested me, etc. And it turns out my feelings of performing my "Civic" duty have been common among Christians nationwide. I have been reading the average numbers of voting Christians throughout America. 2020 was actually the largest turnout on record for Christian voters at about 50%. Before 2020, the numbers seem to hover around 30% - less than a third of Christians have chosen to vote over the past three or so decades!

They say "politics is nasty business" - well, remove the most moral, loving, generous, kind and caring people from politics and certainly it is going to become "nasty" at best. I am extremely grateful for what God is doing right now. He just convinced hundreds if not thousands of wonderful and caring people to get involved, fixing America! The common names and faces appear on the television: Trump, Biden, DeSantis, Harris, Pence, Carson, Sanders, etc. but there is so much more to the story. Hundreds if not thousands of Christians just got into politics and have run in local and statewide races! Maybe in the history of America there has never been a time this many Bible-believing brothers and sisters decided to bring Jesus into the halls of government!

To be rather blunt, I have not enjoyed my first soiree into politics at all. I was betrayed, my character was defamed, hit pieces (plural) were written about me and many of the people I thought were my friends did nothing to support my work and worse. "Politics is ugly business" because people who choose to be ugly are the ones getting involved. There is unbelievable amounts of money involved with running America. This midterm they estimate about 20 Billion will be spent on campaigns once the dust settles. To give you some context about what 20 Billion Dollars looks like, about half of the worlds nations have a GDP below 20 Billion!! This election cycle 20 Billion went into advertising, staffing campaigns, signage, marketing pieces, etc. It's an absolute ridiculous amount of money - and most of that money comes from Corporations and Billionaires. In summary, the lives of the American people are being governed overwhelmingly by Billionaires and Corporations, these are those behind the campaigns, purchasing for themselves "lawmakers" who will make their "laws" in Washington DC. Brings a whole new meaning to the term, "Corporate America".

Who has the ability to say no to this extremely small group of people? Who can say "No" to Wall Street? In a nation wherein 50-100 Million is required to run for Senate, and every six years required again, Who can afford to say "No" to Wall Street, Elite Billionaires and the various Power-Brokers wagging the dog each day in our "Free America"? I realize my writing may seem awfully pessimistic but it's honest. And I can honestly say that what is happening right now in our nation is the first glimmer of hope we have had in perhaps more than 150 years!? A Patriotic movement has sprung up and most recognize its leader as President Donald J Trump. But let me assure you God is behind it all. Let me assume you the leader of this movement is in fact Jesus Christ.

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When I came into manhood, in my late teens and early twenties, I can tell you hours and days of testimony of how the Lord would teach me amazing things and show me the reality of these last days. I could write a book about the things that transpired in my life leading up to 9/11, the fateful day, and then how the Lord took me by the hand to show me so much of the spirit behind this world, the world which we have helped to create. In my twenties there was not much of a prayer movement but then Obama was elected to office and it was as if the Body of Christ "Woke up"!? Suddenly prayer meetings were being held around the nation, this newer and novel concept called "A Prayer Room" was spreading the nation like wild fire! Suddenly the Body of Christ was praying! Christians started to fast!? I watched as a remnant started to appear from practically out of nowhere! And God answered our prayers. 2016 God put a true Champion of our causes into the White House! And not one of us expected President Trump to accomplish even half of what He and his cabinet did!!

But this is Jesus' movement. It's our movement. Every one of you who have been praying and contending for this nation for so long, President Trump and many who have followed after him show the success of OUR Movement. Our movement to take God at is word, our movement to pray without ceasing and fast, believing that God hears prayer, our movement to devote ourselves wholly to His Spirit and serving Him regardless of what might come - our movement fought and won a breakthrough for the whole world! And The Best is Still Yet to Come!! So we must not let up.

Until Jesus invades all things, and fills all things in heaven and on earth with His love and truth, we must continue! Until the true gospel of the kingdom is proclaimed to all the nations, until we come into the fullness of this salvation we have received from Him, WE MUST NOT LET UP not even for a moment! There is a time to celebrate a victory. November 9th we should be celebrating this Victory we fought and won with the Lord but then after some celebration, it's right back to our knees, we must return to the warfare and keep the spiritual darkness at bay. This victory we have won with President Trump and now all these going to the House and the Senate - they will need our prayers! We should be flooding the prayer rooms, prayer meetings, prayer closets and fastings like never before! If we have the enemy on his heels? perhaps just another few years of pushing forward and we might see a Victory that lasts for even a generation!!?

Do not be deceived by what the world publishes and what you see with your eyes - "We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities and rulers in high places." If we are powered by the Holy Spirit of God - who then powers our adversaries and the enemies of God? These are the powers we must stand against. We are in the fight for the next generation. Either we win and the world continues another 30-40 years? or we lose and it's all over - armies are marching on Jerusalem, Jesus removes His children from the earth, the world is judged and salvation is over. We have a chance to push back this evil for another generation. And we will fight and win this war first and foremost, on our knees, contending unto heaven before the Throne of God.

Vote. Go into politics. Do everything you can to Save this generation! As the Lord leads, go, fight and save! But the foundation remains: we need the power of God to be with us every step of the way if we are going to push back this evil. We will not win without Him. Pray Saints. Pray like you have never prayed before. We are finally on the offense! It's time to take the nation. We have lost for long enough. The Victory is finally at hand!

With the utmost love and affection,

Robert Anthony