American Conversations - Afghanistan DIY

This is a series of interviews on the Biden betrayal in Afghanistan.

The Whitewashing Of History And Blame-Shifting Begins For Biden, But It Won’t Work

Episode 19 - Afghanistan DIY - Interview with Ross Mason of HINRI

American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with Ross Mason of the High Impact Network of Responsible Innovators about his experiences getting American allies out of country after the Biden betrayal.

"We are bringing all kinds of criminals into the country…"

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Ali Nazary, Afghan National Resistance Front’s Foreign Relations Head.

"The Taliban have no ability to make Afghanistan a functioning state…"

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with millennial 'Nicole' on helping rescue American allies in Afghanistan after the Biden betrayal.

“The people we are trying to help are so amazing, it breaks my heart.”

American Conversations Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with US Army veteran 'George' on his work behind the scenes to save American Afghan allies.

“We are trying everything to get our people out but the U.S. government is against us…”

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with US Intel Operative Carl Sullivan on his work behind the scenes to save American Afghan allies.

"We are crushed by this...we don't leave people behind..."

Host Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Afghan journalist Nazira Karimi on the devastation of her people by the Biden betrayal in Afghanistan.

“Why did Biden abandon us?”

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Afghan veteran Brent Niedergall on his frustration at options being shut down to exfiltrate American Afghan allies from in-country due to State Department roadblocks.

"I'm running out of options to get my people out..."

CDMedia interviewed Afghan citizens in-country after the Biden betrayal which handed over the nation to Pakistan and China.

The man in this interview in hiding his large family from the Taliban because he helped American forces in Afghanistan.

"This situation is terrible. I pray for America and your mine is being hunted...."

CDMedia interviewed Afghan intelligence officers in-country who described the Afghan people’s feelings that Joe Biden submitted Afghanistan to Pakistan and China.

“It was a very irresponsible act for the world…”

CDMedia interviewed Afghan intelligence officers in-country who described the Chinese infiltration of Afghan Foreign and Interior Ministries. The goal seems to be for Beijing to harness the natural resources of Afghanistan, especially the copper mines.

Our source also described how China is working with the Taliban to control a road in the north of the nation that leads to Pakistan.

CDMedia interviewed Afghan intelligence officers in-country who described Facebook as ‘out of control’ in Afghanistan. The social media platform is being used to threaten American Afghan allies with assassination.

“I was threatened on Facebook Messenger by the Taliban. The Taliban is using Facebook to threaten American Allies.

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Afghan who worked 'shoulder to shoulder' with the American military and how he feels betrayed, and how he is trying to save his family.

"The Taliban are lying to the world..."

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood talk with Afghan interpreter KK on the Taliban exacting revenge on American Afghan allies in-country.

"They are hunting for my family..."

Episode 9 - American Conversations Afghanistan DIY - Interview With Tom Stevens, Retired SEAL

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood talk with retired SEAL Tom Stevens on the damage the Biden administration has done to American foreign policy by betraying our allies in Afghanistan.

"If America can't be trusted it jeopardizes our nation worldwide..."

Episode 8 - American Conversations Afghanistan DIY - Interview With Security Specialist Wayne Black

"The same people from Benghazi and the Yazidi Massacre are again committing genocide…"

Host Christine Dolan moderates live panel in Tampa, FL of Special Operators with experience in-country evacuating American citizens and allies from Afghanistan. This event was held on 9/29/21.

Part three of three -- 'Why we fight…"

CDMedia’s American Conversations On Afghanistan – Tampa Live Event – Part Two - The Real Timeline

Special Unit Mission Commander Pete Blaber spells out the real timeline in Afghanistan. It's not what the media is telling you.

Host Christine Dolan moderates live panel in Tampa, FL of Special Operators with experience in-country evacuating American citizens and allies from Afghanistan. This event was held on 9/29/21.

Finally The Truth Of What Happened In Afghanistan!

American Conversations On Afghanistan - Tampa Live Event - Part One - Lara Logan Goes Off

Host Christine Dolan moderates live panel in Tampa, FL of Special Operators with experience in-country evacuating American citizens and allies from Afghanistan.

Fox News journalist and panelist Lara Logan goes off on Biden like never before - truly epic.

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood talk with Afghanistan veteran CIA operative Del Wilbur on the impact the Biden betrayal has on America’s reputation and intelligence collection capability.

“Delta Force operators don’t really retire…”

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood talk with Afghanistan veteran Brian Gould on the impact the Biden betrayal has on soldiers.

"There's going to be a lot more suicides..."

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Special Forces Afghanistan veteran Jay Collins on the heartbreaking Biden betrayal in Kabul.

"The women and children who grew up wanting freedom have had that taken away because of policy..."

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with former Congressman Frank Wolf on the heartbreaking Biden betrayal in Kabul.

"Pray for the country."

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with USNA graduate John Bishop. Bishop is a Marine veteran from Vietnam. He gives a historical perspective to the current Biden Afghan betrayal.

“We need an army of veteran preachers in the pulpits…”

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with former Navy SEAL and VA Congressman Scott Taylor over his efforts to evacuate American citizens and Afghan allies from Afghanistan after the Biden betrayal.

"I'm getting thousands of frantic texts a day for help..."

Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with Jamie Williamson (COL, USA Ret) on his efforts with his fellow special operators to get American citizens and allies out of Afghanistan after the Biden betrayal.

“George Soros is begging us to help get his people out…”
