As the equity markets in the United States fall around 4% from their all-time highs this week over trade tension between China and the U.S. as Trump applies higher tariffs, most Americans understand this is a fight that needs to be fought else America loses its competitive edge to Beijing forever.
That frame of mind doesn't apply however to the #NeverTrump, Leftist media.
Bloomberg highlighted that phenomenon brilliantly this morning as headlines blare their agenda to hurt Trump in the trade standoff.

Why would anyone ever visit these outlets?

Who is going to STAND with Trump?? I have NEVER EVER witnessed so much information that is FALSE!!’ Who is going to physically, emotionally, Spiritually STAND with this man and his family?? He has stood for Truth, family and the right to live for every human being!! And that includes those beautiful babies!!
For the other side instigating hatred, bribery, false information!! Riotous behavior, murder, fires, destruction of property; beating and pushing people in wheelchairs!! Absolutely NO remorse for killing babies!! It is murder!! You take a baby who has a heartbeat, can feel pain the same as you! Sir, mam!!!
Without God, man is set to destroy everything that has breath!! They will be selfish, self-centered, immoral, riotous, murderers, drunkards, each man for himself!!
There will be famine, disease, pain and you will come to a point of asking God to have the earth swallow you up to get out of all the torment!!!
You were approached and asked if you would like to accept Jesus in your life and repent of your sins. It has always No, not now!! Christ’s return soon and you mam or sir NOT maybe BUT you will be facing Jehovah God face to face and you will have to give account of everything. Even the times you said I don’t want to get involved and you stood back. That silence mam or sir “Is your vote” that mam or sir is your vote cast.
Again, as Christian brothers and sisters I ask again Who will stand alongside President Trump???