Image by Franco Folini
Are California Democrats—responsible for the state’s new anti-gig-worker law, AB5—so out of touch that they’re not aware of the growing anger of their constituents? It appears so.
Since AB5 took effect on January 1, hundreds of thousands of Californians are finding their businesses in tatters. Musicians can’t join bands for a one-night gig, chefs can’t join forces with caterers, nurses can’t work at various hospitals, and writers must cap their submissions per media outlet to 35 per year. Under the law, these freelancers can no longer conduct the same business-to-business transactions they have for years or even decades. Clients with whom they fostered valuable relationships are gone—as are their successful careers and incomes. An overwhelming majority of professionals in fields affected by AB5 identify as liberals and have generally voted along the blue line. Today, however, many are so disillusioned with their representatives that they’re changing political loyalties...
To read more visit City Journal.
[…] California Commies Jump Shark With ‘Gig Worker’ Law […]
The professionals aren’t going to change their vote, and even if they did, it wouldn’t make any measure able difference in California’s political class. They have essentially eliminated the Republican Party, making California a one party state due to the run off election being between the two major vote getters, so in the run off election, it’s Democrat running against a Democrat, so the Democrat always wins.
This is the Democrat party dream state, they can’t lose.
I don’t think the professions affected by this law deserve any sympathy, because they got what they asked for.
There are no returns allowed.
They must learn to embrace what they have been asking for, even if they don’t like it.
It wasn’t like they never had a chance to inspect the merchandise before they bought it, the California Democrats have been open about who and what they were all along.
This was not a secret government take over, but rather the Democratic process in action, the liberal Democratic Party appealing to their liberal voters in election after election going back to the Ronald Reagan governorship.
Will Hollywood and the entertainment industry support it, I think they will in overwhelming numbers.
Perhaps the adage, they made their bed, now they must lie in it, best fits.
They can look forward to a long future together in California , and California has a law I think now, that people have to continue paying state taxes on income, even after leaving the state, so once you’re in California, I don’t think you are allowed to leave economically.