CDMedia Reported On The Information Operation Against America Weeks Ago...Below Is The Movie That Got Millie Weaver Arrested They Don't Want You To See...And Explains Much More

UPDATE 8/17 1030 EST


(Twitter won't let us embed the video)


CDMedia reported on the Information Operation (IO) used against the American people during and after the 2016 presidential election weeks ago.

You can read the report here.

Report: Obama Weaponized The Federal Government Against American People, And It All Started In Ukraine…This Answers All Those Nagging Questions

You can read all of our investigative work on Ukraine here.

Below is a documentary just released by Millie Weaver, which explains A LOT of things that have been happening in our country over the last decade. The information on the 'Defund the Police' movement towards the end of the film is especially interesting.

We can imagine the Deep State really didn't want this to get out. This is really much bigger than RussiaGate, SpyGate, ObamaGate, or whatever you want to call it. That crime was just one of many against the American people by Obama's operatives.

This film ties together the social media censorship, the corrupt corporate media, the corrupt Obama administration, and much more.

President Trump is right...the arrest of Kevin Clinesmith is only the beginning.