UPDATE 8/17 1030 EST
(Twitter won't let us embed the video)
CDMedia reported on the Information Operation (IO) used against the American people during and after the 2016 presidential election weeks ago.
Report: Obama Weaponized The Federal Government Against American People, And It All Started In Ukraine…This Answers All Those Nagging Questions
You can read all of our investigative work on Ukraine here.
Below is a documentary just released by Millie Weaver, which explains A LOT of things that have been happening in our country over the last decade. The information on the 'Defund the Police' movement towards the end of the film is especially interesting.
We can imagine the Deep State really didn't want this to get out. This is really much bigger than RussiaGate, SpyGate, ObamaGate, or whatever you want to call it. That crime was just one of many against the American people by Obama's operatives.
This film ties together the social media censorship, the corrupt corporate media, the corrupt Obama administration, and much more.
President Trump is right...the arrest of Kevin Clinesmith is only the beginning.
ShadowGate is still up on Brighteon
Vermin in the DOJ and FBI are behind this. Mark my words
Contact the White house and ask if President Trump knows about it and is looking into it;
Mom has done Millie in...life ruined , children placed with Antifa and over an argument that Mom goaded on while recording..
The released Millie and the two others on a $20k recognizance bond. Of course they all pled not guilty on these stupid charges!
I tried to comment on Shadow Government video as seen on Millie's video describing it in the Washington Times and they refused to allow it to post say it was offensive. There was no vulgarity. The Washington Times found it to be offensive according to content. That's straight up censorship
Welcome to the brand new Union of Soviet Socialist Republics...
You know who I feel sorry for? The poor Bass turds they send out to take our guns...
Note the times of the hearings. The DCS / CPS hearing on putting the kids in foster "care" was at 10 AM, while she and dad were still in jail. Their bond hearing, where they were released, was at 11 AM.
Coinkydink? I think not.
John in Indy
Silence from the enemedia is DEAFENING!
The leftist-sh1tl1ckers in the UK tried to do the same to my family & I, but we emigrated to the Far East just in time.
when the charges are overplayed we should find out the funding sources of the prosecution.