Our dream at CDMedia of building a new global media company that readers can rely on is becoming reality. CDM.press had its biggest month ever in November, with well over 1mm unique views and total views approaching 2mm.
If the last few days are a guide, we will surpass these numbers in December. We are experiencing exponential growth.
It seems bringing news from around the world that people need to know on a daily basis, news they can trust, is in high demand.
Our advertising effort is also growing with brave advertisers coming on board that are willing to be associated with the truth, such as Birch Gold.
Our audience is global and our fan base is growing rapidly across the planet.
Our investigative efforts have won particular praise. CDMedia has been reporting on the Biden Crime Family/DNC/Deep State corruption in-depth for over a year, with approximately 100 articles dedicated to the subject. We have become known for the truth, and the truth before anyone else is willing or able to report it.
The massive election fraud in this year's election has highlighted our reader's desire for news they can trust.
We look forward to a great 2021 under the second term of the Trump administration!
Way to go, CDMedia!
Just saw the cd media interview with Russell Ramsland with L Todd Wood about voting machine problems and software manipulation. It really seems RR knows what he is talking about. So why was his affidavit to Michigan incorrectly using Minnesota towns in one instance and had incorrect data from Michigan towns in the other? See politifact.com. It seems there must be more to this story as it really served to discredit Giuliani at the hearings. L Todd Wood indicated in the video he was going to get this info to proper authorities but if the info is discredited no wonder the FBI won’t look at it. I really hope you can fix this before Biden gets in if the election truly was rigged as it seems to have been.