Marxism Is Nothing But Highly Organized Crime

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Today a car blew up a prosecutor's car in Albania. "So what?" you may ask. Albania is a very small country in Europe that I care nothing about.

While the size and geographical references in the above comment may be true, Albania has a horrible and often underreported legacy -- it was one of the most horrendous communist countries on Earth until the early '90s.

Socialism, Marxism, communism, whatever you want to call it, are varying forms of a political system that has always, and I mean always, led to a situation where elites maintain control, and horde diminishing wealth, while ordinary citizens suffer. There are no exceptions. If you tell me socialism in Europe works well, I will tell you it is very easy to see how communism is taking control of The Continent, and freedom is dying.

Communism always leads to misery, corruption, murder, and death. Always. 200 million people were eliminated by this ideology in the 20th century.

Albania is a very corrupt country. It has known nothing else for a century. Most Albanians leave if they can. It is a socialist mafia state, where the leadership rapes the people economically, destroys the culture and history, and the oligarchs enjoy life.

Albanians trying to escape a failed communist state in 1990s

While studying the Russian language at the U.S. Air Force Academy in the '80s, my alma mater, my instructor who had lived for decades in the Soviet Union told a story. He was standing in a line for whatever the communist store was giving out that day, with hundreds of others on a cold Moscow afternoon, when a government black limousine roared by with police escort on its way to the Kremlin. "At least someone is enjoying communism," quipped an old babushka next to him, fending off the frigid cold.

Before the communist revolution, Russia was the breadbasket of Europe, with massive agricultural exports. Only in 2018, did the Russian Federation return to its former level of agricultural production which was destroyed during the Bolsehvik Revolution and a century of communism. A hundred years! The Bolsheviks killed all the scientists, the farmers, anyone with any knowledge of how to grow food.

Communism, Marxism is all about control. The elites always win. The people always suffer in the end.

You see this elitism in the People's Republic of China, where a small sector of the population controls the rest. They do not have communism in theory, the political system in China has morphed into an elite oligarchy where part of the population is pacified with state-controlled capitalism, and the rest suffer in the rural areas. A million Chinese citizens are in concentration camps. Organs are harvested for political prisoners and sold in China's burgeoning organ-transplant tourism industry. Human life is ignored, used, discarded at will.

The Chinese Communist Party is a global crime syndicate, bent on hegemony over the human population. It is a great incarnate evil, and has to be destroyed at all costs.

The Venezuelan people are suffering mightily under Chavez/Maduro socialism, where the elites literally control the food and the citizens starve.

Albania will take decades to recover, if it ever does.

We could go on, and on, and on.

In the end Maxism never works because it is simply highly-organized crime.

Now look at the barbed wire fence around Washington, D.C., and lie to yourself that this time, it's different.

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