Are Biden And Sec. Austin Violating The Nuremberg Code With Bait-And-Switch Vaccine Mandates?
The defendants in the dock at the International Military Tribunal trial of war criminals at Nuremberg.
Date: Nov 20, 1945 - Oct 1, 1946

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Are President Biden and Defense Secretary Austin Violating the Nuremberg Code with Bait-and-Switch Vaccine Mandates?

Up first was the bait. "Full US Food and Drug Administration approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is 'imminent,'" CNN reported on Friday, Aug. 20, 2021. An unnamed Biden official  leaked that it would come as early as Monday.

Sure enough, the FDA announced that it had "approved the first COVID-19 vaccine" on Monday, Aug. 23, to be "marketed as Comirnaty" by Pfizer/BioNTech.

President Biden's coercion began instantly. "If you’re a business leader, a non-profit leader, a state or local leader who has been waiting for full FDA approval to require vaccinations, I call on you now to do that — require it.  Do what I did last month and require your employees to get vaccinated or face strict requirements," Biden declared.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also swiftly ordered the military to “immediately begin full vaccination" of all unvaccinated military members, which is 32% of the active-duty force, including the National Guard.  

Military commanders ordered personnel to get the vaccine within a week. Threats of dishonorable discharge or court martial are circulating.  Gym privileges were denied to the unvaccinated.

Within days, military academies began preventing unvaccinated cadets from participating in athletics and other activities to coerce them.  At least one cadet has been experiencing heart issues since receiving the vaccine and can no longer compete. This cadet's serious injury raises concerns in unvaccinated students about taking this experimental vaccine.

The switch was in the details. Comrinaty has not been manufactured. Hence, no one can take the FDA-approved Comrinaty. Pfizer still must meet some benchmarks before manufacturing.

The only Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine that patients can receive right now remains under Emergency Use Authorization, which still gives Pfizer immunity from being sued by individuals harmed by the vaccine.

Some members of the military quickly figured out the shell game.

"The DoD memo says other vaccines may be taken voluntarily, so technically service members getting Pfizer are THINKING that they’re getting the approved/mandated vaccine. But actually they are voluntarily taking an EUA vaccine because the only approved vaccine hasn't even been made yet," an Air Force major observed.

This narrative-buster didn't hold back.

"Commanders at every level that disseminate the DoD policy as a vaccine mandate are either lying or ignorant, neither of which are excusable. Service members need to be aware there is no mandate (yet) and WHEN it comes, only Comirnaty may be mandated … period.”

Dr. Robert Malone, mrNA inventor and vaccine scientist, believes that universal vaccination during a pandemic is bad science and policy because it leads to mutant variants. His extensive knowledge of the FDA process allowed him to identify the bait and switch.

"If you are faced with a situation where you have to accept vaccine, I strongly suggest you hold off for the BioNTech Comrinaty labeled-product. That is the one that will no longer have liability protection (for the pharmaceutical companies)," Malone said.

He noted that the FDA bypassed public comment and external accountability boards to authorize Comrinaty months earlier than expected.

"What they've done here, I think, is jam through something that will enable the government, commercial entities and states to mandate vaccines to the military and otherwise," Malone explained.

Anyone receiving an Emergency Use Authorization vaccine is a de facto experimental subject. Coercion to take an experimental product  violates the Nuremberg Code, which gives experiment subjects the "free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion."  

Therefore, requiring military members, employees or students to take an experimental product to maintain their employment or their membership in the U.S. military or school is coercion.

President Biden, Secretary Austin and others are violating the Nuremberg Code by pressuring vaccination before the legally-approved brand is available.

After World War II, the U.S. military prosecuted 23 Nazis for conducting crimes against humanity, including medical experiments on prisoners of war. Hitler's physicians were found guilty of conducting sterilization, freezing, high altitude, malaria, mustard gas and other experiments.

These crimes led to the creation of the Nuremberg Code as a set of universal human rights to prevent future medical harm. Patients are entitled to receive knowledge to make an enlightened, voluntary decision before taking an experimental product. They are entitled to know "all inconveniences and hazards" and "the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation."

"The horror of World War II can't be forgotten. We have forgotten the Nuremberg Code. They aren't talking about the Nuremberg Code and are creating fear and turmoil by experimenting on people," attorney Thomas Renz explained of leaders, medical bureaucrats, pharmaceutical companies and the media.

Renz studied under one of the Nuremberg Trial prosecutors, who taught him to keep his eye on the stars. Being true to what is right is Renz's motivation as an attorney fighting gross COVID-19 abuse.

Renz has filed multiple COVID-19 lawsuits, including a lawsuit filed in federal court in Alabama. A government whistleblower asserts that the government is hiding the actual number of vaccine-related deaths. The whistleblower claims that the true number of vaccine deaths is 45,000, not less than 7,000, as the CDC's website claims.

The reported harms from the EUA vaccines include myocarditis, heart attacks, Bell's palsy, blood clots, neurological damage, miscarriages, and many others. The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) includes nearly 623,341 reports of adverse reactions, including 13,627 deaths, according to Open VAERS. The European Union's similar reporting system reports 1.5 million vaccine injuries and 15,472 vaccine deaths.

"History will still judge whether we are experimenting on people now," Renz explained.

Indeed. Nuremberg Trials 2.0 are in order.

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