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President Joe Biden was not physically in attendance at Hunter Biden’s Delaware gun trial that started on June 3, but his presence was felt amidst family in the audience, and those who testified for the prosecution and for the defense.
After the three-count felony verdict was read on June 11, the president flew to Delaware to meet Hunter and his current wife, Melissa Cohen, and his grandchild named after his late son, Beau, who died in 2015.
Hunter's “Laptop from Hell” had been introduced as evidence in the trial where FBI witnesses proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the laptop had been validated by U.S. law enforcement officials.
High stakes were in play over Hunter’s gun charges, and still are over his California tax trial in September, and the ongoing multiple congressional investigations into the Biden family’s financial affairs. The congressional investigations have raised the question whether Hunter Biden and Uncle Jim Biden sold out U.S. foreign policy for massive amounts of money while Joe Biden was vice-president during the Obama administration. All roads today lead to who knew what when in the Obama administration when Hunter Biden and his colleagues were working their overseas deals.
Will it all have an impact on Joe Biden’s future and those around him?
If the allegations are true and the rule of law is upheld, it should.
In any high-profile trial, the guessing game about the verdict always begins early even within the press at the start of a trial, and it was no different as Hunter’s gun trial prior to any evidence entered.
There were some interesting winks and nods about the “Laptop From Hell” that arose in whispered conversations at the very beginning of Hunter's trial.
CDM had sleuths in Wilmington listening intently to how legacy media and locals were discussing the gun trial.
Some Delaware citizens, on both sides of the aisle politically, were banking on never getting a conviction because people were scared of the Biden family’s revenge and retribution.
“One degree away from a Biden family member, close friend or relative…” seemed to be the mantra. The jury “won’t convict.”
Some of the legacy press covering the trial had concluded before any evidence was entered that an acquittal would “invalidate” Hunter’s “Laptop From Hell.”
That seemed an illogical legal analysis on the surface at that point. The judge had ruled some of it could be entered as evidence during a pre-trial hearing.
It is understandable how shameful it must have been to have the laptop introduced as evidence because of its salacious and personal nature with sex, porn, drugs, sex workers, strippers, crack addiction with Hunter’s own sister-in-law, and the level of debauchery that paints a far different picture from the one Joe and Jill Biden have sold to America for decades.
This trial was not the family portrait anyone would have wanted to hang in the public square.
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Even Melissa Cohen, Hunter’s wife, was visibly upset when the prosecutor unsealed the “Laptop from Hell,” and showed it to the jurors as he introduced it as evidence.
Cohen was seen shaking her head.
At one point during a court break she screamed at Garrett Ziegler and called him a nasty name, as earlier reported by CDM.
But, then on Saturday, June 8 - after the laptop was introduced on June 4 and before closing arguments and jury deliberations began on June 10 - James Clapper appeared on FOX Digital and was asked a very predictable question about the “Laptop From Hell.”
Clapper had been smack in the middle of the “Russian disinformation” propaganda push after the laptop story was first published in the New York Post on October 14, 2020.
Clapper had served as Obama’s National Intelligence Advisor. He was one of the 51 intelligence officials who had signed a letter on October 19, 2020 just days after the original story was published.
That “Russian disinformation” propaganda stance has turned out to be utterly false. It was refuted even by some legacy media over the years before the FBI agent validated it in Hunter's trial under oath.
When Clapper was asked on FOX Digital if he would retract his 2020 statement calling the laptop “Russian disinformation.”
“No,” responded Clapper.
That is very telling when you put Clapper’s statement into the chronological context of Hunter’s gun trial.
Clapper’s response to the question on FOX was after the FBI agent had testified exhaustively to the laptop’s authenticity, the seizure of Hunter Biden’s iCloud account, and the cross-referencing of the two. The agent had described in detail the contents recovered and acknowledged that the FBI had picked up the laptop in December 2019 from the Delaware computer store. The FBI’s analysis even found a receipt giving permission to Computer repairman John Mac Isaacs to get access to the computers left for repair. The receipt was in Hunter’s iCloud account.
So, why would Clapper, the first name on the propaganda letter, not retract his statement nearly five years after the FBI picked up the laptop in December 2019?
What is it about this laptop that would encourage a former intelligence official to continue to believe it is “Russian disinformation"?
What could possibly be the sane reason for Clapper continuing this narrative today unless there was some underlying strategy for the future, and what could it be?
The Obama Biden camps have been pushing trust the judicial system, especially since Trump's conviction. President Biden has been saying he trusts the judicial system. He has stated he would not pardon his son’s conviction prior to the trial.
Yet, we have Clapper possibly suggesting do not trust the judicial system by his refusal to retract his 2020 statement.
Perhaps, some are concerned the laptop may be introduced in Hunter’s California tax case in September.
Or, is this laptop concern still lingering because a large number of Americans stated that if they had known the truth about the laptop they may not have voted for Biden in 2020?
Americans now know the backstory on how that letter that Clapper signed with Jim Brennan, Mike Morrell, and David Buckley, who ended up as the January 6th Committee staff director, and others originated.
Mike Morrell received a call from Antony Blinken, who was with the 2020 Biden campaign, after the New York Post’s October 14, 2020 story broke. There was an upcoming final debate with Donald Trump on October 22, 2020 - less than 10 days later.
Blinken had been in the Biden camp for years. He is now U.S. Secretary of State in the Biden Administration. He worked in the Obama administration. Within the laptop are communications between Hunter Biden and Blinken when Blinken was at the State Department during the Obama administration.
Blinken needed something to deny or deflect the laptop story prior to the upcoming October 22, 2020 final presidential debate.
When anyone wants to coverup, deny, deflect for political reasons, they do not reach out to anyone unless they know that party will deliver. That is how politics works in Washington, D.C.
Hence, the letter was born.
Morrell had been the Deputy Director of the CIA in the Obama administration. He was more known to U.S. audiences during the Benghazi attack.
Morrell and others who worked in the Clinton and Obama administrations signed on and created the October 19, 2020 letter to push the propaganda needed so Joe Biden could refer to their letter during the October 22 debate.
In short, these 51 intelligence officials bolstered the propaganda Blinken was pushing within the 2020 Biden campaign for Joe Biden.
How do we know of this?
Mike Morrell testified to this saga on Capitol Hill.
Morrell shared he received a call from Blinken and admitted to his involvement organizing the letter for the 2020 Biden campaign when he testified before U.S. House of Representative’s Judiciary Committee in April 2023.
It would have been a risk for the 2020 Biden campaign to reel in the FBI for the letter in October 2020 because the FBI had been in possession of the laptop since December 2019.
So, they brought in the intelligence community that the Obama and Biden Administration had relied upon for years. Legacy media and BIG TECH were forewarned that something might happen concerning Hunter Biden well before the fall of 2020.
The month of October has always been a traditional presidential election “surprise” month in U.S. politics. The October surprise is used to unhinge the opposition to deny them enough lead time to recover before the November election date.
While U.S. media went black on the initial laptop story and pushed the propaganda, some of those in London refused.
UK Daily Mail published an article with evidence taken from the laptop in late October 2020 countering the 51 intelligence signers of the letter, but it was only after years did some U.S. legacy media reverse their opinion and admit this “Laptop from Hell” belonged to Hunter Biden.
So, why would Clapper continue with this narrative now in 2024?
Could it be because Hunter Biden’s former business partners are cooperating with multiple congressional investigations into the Biden family’s financial affairs?
Could those investigations morph into who knew about Hunter Biden’s affairs in the U.S. government while Joe Biden was VP for Obama?
Could many more people who worked for the Biden Administration and formerly worked for the Obama administration be involved directly or indirectly supporting Hunter Biden’s business affairs?
Should Hunter Biden have registered with the U.S. Department of Justice and registered as representing a foreign government?
A memo has been released that should be head-snapping for every news organization covering the 2024 campaign and every American.
Congressional investigators are focusing on a memo prepared by a New York law firm about the overall plan for Burisma in 2014.
“Burisma has been advised that it is the subject of a criminal investigation being conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and, upon information and belief, the investigation is politically motivated (the “Investigation),” the draft memo reads.
But there is much more to this memo. It is an outline on who was going to be targeted and briefed in the U.S. government about Burisma to help the company engage the U.S. government officials to help Burisma.
The memo serves as a roadmap that engulfs Washington, D.C. politicians, federal agencies, and Hill staffers with directives and a plan.
It is a marked "confidential" roadmap of who knew what when at least in 2014.
It is a roadmap when President Obama assigned Vice-President Joe Biden to handle Ukraine, and his son and his son’s colleagues were advocating for Burisma with the U.S. government officials. It is a preliminary strategy outlined by a very seasoned U.S. law firm. This outlined strategy was to influence U.S. policy for the benefit of Burisma and Ukraine.
It seems almost laughable today because Ukraine is such a mess ten years later.
Is it possible that Clapper’s refusal to retract his 2020 “Russian disinformation” statement another layer to protect the Washington, D.C. Obama and Biden operatives who were all in on the strategy that ultimately benefited Burisma and hence, Biden clan?
Here is the strategic plan to read in full.
The confidential plan authors called it The Global Defense Strategy (GDS). It was prepared by the New York law firm of Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP. Hunter Biden has had a long relationship with that firm, as earlier reported.
The GDS plan was designed to cover three parts:
- Political strategy in the U.S.
- Ukraine Global legal strategy, including investigative work, seemingly spearheaded by a firm run by a former U.S prosecutor.
- Global public relations strategy.
Under its political strategy, one of the goals of The Global Defense Strategy was Burisma “seeking to address fighting any potential lawsuit through non-judicial channels.”
Hunter and Biden requested meetings with senior State Department officials, then-Secretary of State John Kerry and then-Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The D.C.-based democratic lobby firm, Blue Star Strategies was hired to represent Burisma and requested meetings with then-Under Secretary of State Catherine Novelli.
Senator Grassley report is worth the read.
In the middle of Hunter’s Delaware trial on June 5, 2024 that ended in a three-count felony conviction, the Hill has signed off on criminal referrals to the U.S. Department of Justice against Hunter Biden and Uncle Jimmy Biden, who worked on some business deals with Hunter and his associates.
"As part of the impeachment inquiry of President Biden, the Committees are investigating the President's role in and knowledge of his family's international influence peddling schemes that have generated over $18 million for Biden family members and their related companies, and over $27 million when including the payments to their business associates, who often were used to transfer funds to Biden family members. The Committee have also identified an additional $8 million in loans - most of which has not been repaid - Hunter and James Biden. The Committees have not identified legitimate services warranting such lucrative payments and have found that Joe Biden often interacted with his family's business associates as they were funneling the Bidens millions of dollars and lied to the American people about these interactions," reads the statement by House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY), House Committee on the Judiciary Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), and House Committee on Ways and Means Jaxon Smith (R-MO) on June 5, 2024.