Photo by Asian American Federation

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Democrat leaders are preparing to future-proof their stronghold before the new freshman class at City Hall begins in January. Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez (D-Manhattan) has a veto-proof bill to start allowing green-card holders and Dreamers to vote in local elections. New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams came out in support of 800,000 illegal aliens voting this week. Governor Kathy Hochul is giving $20M checks to areas such as Manhattan’s Chinatown to incentivize local officials to get out the vote for illegals when the time comes. A Democrat-led City Council will take a vote on this bill on December 9. 

Republicans and Independents stand helpless, watching from the sidelines as they are outnumbered. Even if moderates vote no on this bill, Democrats will likely still have the say given majority rule. Supporters of this proposal say illegals should be allowed to vote because they live here; they are using city services; learning at city schools, and contributing to the city’s economy. 

Some are challenging whether or not City Council has the legal authority to allow illegals to vote at all. Several Republican members of the incoming City Council have rejected this bill and vow to take this to the courts. If this bill becomes legislation, it could spell trouble for Republicans and Conservatives in future elections in a city that is starting to show support for red candidates, as indicated in the recent general elections. 

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