As CD Media Breaks Corruption News On Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, A Convoy Of Trucks Empties His Palace Of His Property, Confidants Arrested, Flee
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Ukrainian President-elect Petro Poroshenko shake hands after addressing reporters before a discussion that preceded Poroshenko's meeting with President Obama in Warsaw, Poland, on June 4, 2014

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KYIV -- CD Media broke news yesterday of allegations by intelligence sources of extensive money laundering and corruption by former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. We will be releasing detailed information on the schemes to embezzle hundreds of millions of IMF aid money to Ukraine and we can confirm that investigations are under way by the Ukrainian special prosecutor's office.

In the meantime, we think it very interesting that reports are coming out of Ukraine of tens of trucks emptying Poroshenko's palace of belongings in Kyiv.

His right-hand man, Oleg Gladkovskiy-Svinarchuk, was arrested two days ago on corruption charges by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU). His other confidant Ihor Kononenko has apparently ran away according to reports.

Unofficial - suspected war crimes oligarch Petro Poroshenko is preparing to escape abroad, reported Ukrainian news outlet Vremya [Time].

After a series of high-profile arrests of members of the criminal gang, Petro Poroshenko decided to secure his paintings and jewelry.

As reported yesterday, NABU detained a member of the criminal gang Oleg Gladkovsky (criminal nickname Lech million).

Members of the YPG Yuriy Lutsenko and Valery Gontarev have fled the country and it is obvious that in the near future the leader of the paramilitary criminal group of oligarch Petro Poroshenko will be detained.

Today, a member of the gang Igor Kononenko (the nickname "Bald") escaped from the country

As we find out more on this fluid situation, we will report immediately...