Did Donald Trump Catch Dominion And Smartmatic US Election Racketeering?
Dominion ImageCast precinct count optical ballot scanner
Image by Douglas W. Jones

Every time Dominion Voting Systems has been in the news over its 18 year history, words like lie and stonewall appear directly after. With this kind of legacy, the big question of the next few months will be how this company was ever allowed near a state or federal election.

After Joe Oltmann broke the story of Dominion Voting Systems security chief Eric Coomer vowing to destroy the 2020 election,  CD Media followed up with Coomer’s June 2nd FaceBook posting of AntiFa material that was his reaction to German Pirate Party instructions.

My first question to Eric Coomer’s boss John Poulos is whether or not he encourages employees like Coomer to exercise their political rights and firebomb police stations like the Pirate Party’s AntiFa has been doing for the last 6 months?

The big lie that keeps cropping up in support of Dominion is the company is US-based. According to Dominion, no foreign national directly or indirectly owns or controls the company. The problem with this statement is even though Dominion Voting Systems headquarters are in Toronto, Ontario, and Denver, they seem to keep neglecting to mention the independent British Commonwealth nation of Barbados, where one vertical of the holding company is domiciled.

Like all things Dominion, they divide the truth so it’s not as easy to find unless it’s printed on a court docket. The company is divided into three corporations -- Dominion Voting Systems International Corporation, Dominion Voting Systems Corporation and Dominion Voting Systems Inc.

While trying to excoriate attorney Sydney Powell, Dominion’s John Poulos asks voters to trust internet fact-checkers or his own word while continuing to lie about his company.

Dominion systems are certified in 28 states. While the company disagrees with the decision and rationale offered by the State of Texas for not certifying our system, we recognize there are different standards for different states. The Dominion system has successfully undergone U.S. federal government certification. Importantly, no other review of this system has ever identified concerns about the system being inefficient or insecure.- John Poulos 

Smartmatic’s Philippine lawsuit began due to their partnership with Dominion and the defective technology Dominion provided during the 2010 Philippine elections. Dominion illegally withheld the source code which was supposed to be reviewed 90 days before the election.


The 2010 problems Dominion caused mirror the 2020 election with regards to voting tabulation.

According to ABSCBN News, The complaint further held Dominion liable for a defect in the technology, with the latter's software allegedly failing to correctly read and record the paper ballot during a test of the automated voting system conducted shortly before the election.

"This relates to the problems encountered one week before the Elections in May 2010, where the software provided by Dominion was producing inaccurate results of the testing and sealing ballots," Smartmatic's Cesar Flores said.

According to Philippines Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman Sixto Brillantes-The Philippines is stuck because of the case in Delaware, and the fight (between Dominion and Smartmatic) in Puerto Rico and Mongolia. Brillantes said, "They're only interested in one thing -- money."

The 2020 election makes it clear Dominion has never cleaned up its act. The way this company does business screams to a pedestrian “investigate me” and yet here we are. Because of the grip this company and others like it have on the SoS (National Association of Secretaries of State), they can get away with lying to Congress. How can any election they are involved in be trusted regardless of the outcome?

Throughout Dominion’s history the one thing Poulos’ company makes patently clear is it has no problem taking countries hostage through their electoral system. 

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