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Former Ukrainian General Prosecutor Yuri Lutsenko alleged in Ukrainian media this week that former American Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, prevented billions of dollars of Ukrainian public funds stolen by former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, from returning to Ukraine in order to keep the money accessible to the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign. The interview was aired on "Freedom of Speech" with Savik Shuster.
According to Lutsenko, the people of the former president withdrew more than $ 7 billion to the American hedge fund Franklin Templeton Investments.
Lutsenko said that he intended to create an interstate investigation team to return these funds. To do this, it was necessary to formally apply through the US Embassy to the representatives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Attorney General of the overseas country.

Image by Олег Мосьондз
According to the former prosecutor general, such an appeal was received at the embassy, but it was blocked and did not reach the addressees.
Lutsenko showed at Shuster’s studio a document that he submitted to the embassy and rebuked Marie Jovanovic for a sworn lie (Yovanovitch recently testified in Congress in the case of Trump’s impeachment and stated that Lutsenko did not address her).
According to the former chief of the GPU, the reason for the opposition of Jovanovic lies in the plane of conflict of interest. Investors in the Franklin-Templeton hedge fund, with Yanukovych’s billions in it, are affiliated with the US Democratic Party and funded the election campaign of Barack Obama, who appointed Yovanovitch to Ukraine.
“Official contacts with colleagues from the USA were blocked for me, so I had to go informally to Giuliani,” Lutsenko said.
CD Media has reported on multiple corrupt dealings alleged to have been committed by Yovanovitch while in her capacity of Ambassador to Ukraine before President Trump fired her. Yovanovitch testified against President Trump in the recent impeachment hearings, saying her feelings were hurt, but she knew of no illegal activity by the President.
You can read the local Ukrainian media report here.
Ukraine prosecutor has the proof of documentation to US Embassy. US Ambassador testified under oath she was not contacted. Do we has a perjury case brewing here? Would not be surprised.
The DNC, hillary, and obama are as dirty as they come !
[…] Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Alleges Ambassador Yovanovich Prevented Yanukovych Stolen Billions From … Pedophile Cop Gets 12 Years for Running Horrifying Child Porn […]
Why has no one gone to prison? They all think that they are above the law. America needs to wake up to the fact that our government is corrupt!