The woman discusses the nightmare situation at New York City hospitals battling the coronavirus.
The woman says her friend is a nurse at one of the hospitals in New York City. The conditions sound like a horror show. (h/t The Gateway Pundit).
According to the video:
“Patients left to rot and die”
“Never seen so much neglect”
“No one cares”
“The blind leading the blind”
“Out of a horror movie”
“I don’t want to be a part of this”
Look forward to this anonymous video nurse providing some evidence to substantiate the intriguing narrative she has created out of thin air;
Unfortunately no names, no places, no dates, no photos, no video, no sources, no idea whether she's just an amateur "fake crisis actress" recording an audition video submission for a Craigs List ad?
Meanwhile, lots of evidence that the temporary hospital bed tents were empty and being taken down, no patients.
Medical ship empty, no patients.
Hospitals nationwide having problems getting patients of any kind to pay the Bill's, may have to lay off more staff?
Now, if she is correct, and her friend was truthful with the story and adjectives she gave this girl, then it's not a virus problem, it's lack of professionalism and standard of care problem. Maybe even a negligence and
malpractice problem.
But these days "the allegations are serious" should be enough to investigate further.
Saw the video but didn't understand much of it.
Going back for a second look and it's been censored!!