Search Out A Good Doctor Who Will Treat You

Much has been made over the last few weeks of the 'spike' in Chinese coronavirus cases in the United States, especially in states that have vowed to re-open steadily and get their economies back online, like Florida and Georgia.
What the corrupt media won't tell you is that deaths from the Chinese/Deep State bioweapon have been declining to pre-pandemic levels. This is because the disease has become manageable. 'Progressive' governors have stopped seeding the virus into high-risk nursing home populations (ask Andrew Cuomo how that works). New treatments are coming to the forefront (and not just Gilead's $3,000 a treatment media darling).
We highlighted one of those treatments, an inhaled steroid, here yesterday, with Dr. Richard Bartlett from Texas.
In any event, the disease can obviously be deadly and must be taken seriously. The trick is to find a doctor who will treat you early on, one that has success battling the WuFlu. There are plenty of these docs out there, but you have to do your own research. The corrupt media, and the government I might add, are blocking the information from the general public, as it doesn't fit their narrative of 'lock the country down to prevent Trump from being re-elected'. This behavior of course is criminal, but is a subject to revisit after the election, and hold these people accountable.
Here's my experience with the virus...
Day 1-4
Chills, fever, sweats, headache, weakness. The symptoms came on quick and lasted through the first night, then lessened over the next couple days. The reports are correct, the virus seems to slowly go away, then comes back with a vengeance.
Day 5-10
Boom! The virus knocked me on my butt. Extreme weakness, headaches, stomach issues, and chest tightness, cough. I never had trouble breathing, but especially in the evenings and through the night, it felt like my chest was constricted. I spent the days barely being able to move, and slept, a lot.
My COVID test came back positive.
At this point I sought out a trusted doctor who began treating me. Every physician is different, so I won't go into how he treated me, just to say he did and it was effective.
On the urging of my physician, on day 10, I took a trip to the VA emergency room to get a chest x-ray, and yes, I had slight bilateral COVID pneumonia.
Although, I have never had a problem with the VA, they have always been good to me, on this trip something strange happened. The ER doctor (not my personal physician) seemed very tired which is understandable, but she also seemed very preachy. She seemed more intent on 'shaming me' for getting COVID than she did treating me. Her words were over and over again, 'There is nothing I can do for you except send you home." She said it several times.
This was obviously not true, but maybe is what is being directed from on high for COVID patients. After all, the FDA has blocked many inexpensive, effective treatments. The reason seems obvious. They are anti-freedom, anti-opening up, and anti-Trump more than pro-good outcome. Again, there needs to be a house cleaning after the election.
This is why it is so important to find a physician who has been successful treating patients with COVID and find this person early and GET TREATMENT early.
Day 11-12
More of the same but the fever broke on day 12, and the headaches stopped. I began to feel more energy. I began doing breathing exercises in order to force my lungs to work fully. I never slept on my back, only on my sides or stomach, in order to try and stop the COVID from growing inside my lungs.
Day 13-16
I slowly began to get better, a little bit every day. Today is day 16 and I am 80% normal, taking long walks, and enjoying the sunshine, breathing in heavily the fresh air. I'm sure I'm over this barring some unforeseen circumstance, and am hard back at work.
Closing Thoughts
This virus is not normal; it is not natural. It was made in a lab. It is a bioweapon intentionally released on America by China and her Deep State enablers. They want you locked down into the election. They want you scared. They want your business to fail. They want Trump out of office.
They don't care if you die, or someone close to you dies.
The virus is sneaky, and not like anything you have felt before.
Therefore, you have to take this illness into your own hands, learn about it, get treatment early. There are plenty of patriotic MAGA medical professionals who will help you if you search them out, even if they are not in your state.
I look forward to the American population achieving herd immunity. And I would never take Fauci's vaccine.