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This week Westport, CT parents received an email from the nurse at Greens Farms Elementary School requesting copies of Covid-19 vaccine cards for students at the school.

There is no legal mandate to vaccinate children. The only reason to ask for this information is to 'segregate' the 'unvaccinated' children. We have seen this tactic at West Point and other educational institutions, where children are 'othered' and persecuted.
These vaccinations are very dangerous especially for the young.
Here are some basic facts:
- There is no long-term safety data for these 'vaccines'.
- The vaccines do not stop transmission of the disease.
- Natural immunity (Covid-recovered) is 20x more effective than the vaccines which have a short term effect to reduce symptoms but regular boosters will be needed. See Recent Appeals Court Ruling below!
- Highly vaccinated jurisdictions have higher levels of transmission and death as the 'vaccinated' are shedding spike proteins for months and are creating other variants (viruses always mutate) where the vaccines cannot prevent severe infection via anti-body dependent enhancement.
- Children have essentially a ZERO chance of dying of Covid unless they have severe comorbidities.
- Children's Health Defense estimates a 4% rate of severe reaction and death from the vaccines globally.
Here are experts shredding the recent CDC 'study' that tried to justify vaccinating children.
CDC Admits They Have No Data Showing Anyone Covid-Recovered Has Ever Transmitted The Virus
You can listen to over 20 interviews with vaccine-injured patients here.
You can listen to interviews on the fight against medical tyranny here.
Here is Bill Gates admitting the vaccines don't stop transmission.
Here are more ads developed by vaccine-injured demanding a meeting with President Biden and Dr. Fauci.
We asked Westport Schools Superintendent Thomas Scarice to disclose any legal authority for asking for the vaccine information for children. Here is his response:
There is no legal authority needed to request voluntary information. It is not a requirement. I believe a subsequent message went out to all schools yesterday, or perhaps it is going out today.
We then asked why he is asking for the information. Here is his response:
We continue to contact trace close contacts of positive cases. This is a time consuming process for principals and nurses. Knowing a student is vaccinated hastens the contact tracing process since vaccinated students are not asked to self quarantine if they are determined to be a close contact.
Here is an email the school system then sent out to the entire district:
Dear Families of Westport Students,
We are looking forward to our vaccination clinic for 5-11 year old students this Saturday and anticipate a very successful event. We are also happy to hear that many of our students have already been able to get the COVID-19 vaccine in the community.
If you have registered for our first dose clinic tomorrow and our second dose clinic December 4th, please see the following important reminders:
- Families should review the attached Vaccine Information Fact Sheet;
- Families should print and complete the Patient Authorization Form and Pre-Vaccination Checklist prior to arriving for their child’s scheduled appointment;
- Children should be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian; and
- Families should be prepared to stay for a brief 15 minute observation period after the vaccine administration.
We regret that we are unable to accommodate everyone that wanted a spot at Saturday's clinic. If you are still interested in finding a Covid -19 vaccine, the links below will be helpful.
If your child has gotten the Covid-19 vaccine, whether through our clinic or elsewhere, we ask that families voluntarily submit evidence of their child’s vaccination status to the school nurse. This will help with the contact tracing process, if necessary. Again, sharing this information is voluntary.
Thank you again for your continued collaboration.
Sincerely,Thomas Scarice
SuperintendentSue Levasseur
Supervisor of Health Services
To sum up -- Children have zero risk of dying from Covid, the 'vaccines' do not prevent transmission, they actually enhance it, and there are massive health risks for injecting children.
Since there is no medical reason to vaccinate children, what might be Thomas Scarice's reason for doing so?
As one grieving mother of a vaccine-injured child recently told us, once you put that needle in your child's arm, you will never get your child back.
Below is last night's ruling from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the stay on Biden's vaccine mandate via OSHA. Please read the part about how the order ignores natural immunity.
Deep Blue State parents seem to be oblivious to the threat. They tend to believe the story line being fed to them by the corporate media. Too bad...especially for their children.
Coming to a state near you— VIDEO: How a Tiny Communist Party Took Over the Politics of an Entire American State: Connecticut
Trevor Loudon documents the influence that the pro-Beijing Communist Party USA has in Connecticut. Almost every prominent politician in the state has a working relationship with the Communist Party USA—yet Connecticut voters have virtually no knowledge of these relationships.
They test for the flu since they've never isolated Covid-19. Which makes me wonder how they can tell there is a delta variant. They never isolated the virus but they use a test to show the damage of a solution does on monkey kidney cells then show the cellular debris as proof of the virus. So, they can use this method to claim an UNENDING! amount of variants. A lot of cancers and "viruses" are probably just different forms of parasites. Since the tests can’t differentiate between cold and flu and covid then doesn’t that mean ivermectin cures both the cold and the flu? Welcome to "they've been lying to us our entire lives about everything". Get your Ivermectin while you still can! https://ivmpharmacy.com