As Millennials and Generation Z grow to become the majority of the modern employee pool, companies have to find ways to make sure they employ those who will improve their bottom line more than cause problems. Training employees correctly the first time will mitigate many of these possible road blocks to peak efficiency.
Recent proposed plans by presidential candidates have focused on providing tax payer funds for workforce training directly to trainees, bypassing any checks and balances. This will cause more problems than it will solve says Sam Caucci, CEO of 1Huddle, a work force training company and industry leader in developing employee skills in the most efficient manner.
"In these areas, we have candidates talking about free college education and even about forgiving all prior college loan debt. We even have candidates claiming they will cut checks to folks so they can personally reinvest it in their own job training. The problem is these "solutions" just cause more problems," wrote Caucci in a recent oped in UPI.
We can also all agree that our education system is flawed, even corrupted, and is not providing the type of training needed to prepare our kids for life after college where it is critical need employees have skills that are needed in today's job market.
"A recent study of CEOs by Gallup found the number 1 risk to businesses today are workers that aren't ready to work on day 1. Colleges are also continuing to be part of the problem, and public sentiment agrees that colleges are failing at preparing graduates for jobs in the 21st century economy," added Caucci.
"Colleges that fail to hit key job placement numbers should have access to federal student loan dollars stripped. When we remove access to federal loan dollars to colleges based on their poor job placement metrics we will let the market decide which colleges should close and which should grow. Let's close the colleges that are failing," said Caucci.
Investing in employees and workforce training is paramount, but needs to be done in an efficient manner. Accountability is key for companies or educational institutions providing training. "The time for games and giving stuff away for free is over and fails us all. Let's empower our graduates and our workforce with real solutions to our country's real problems," Caucci declares.