Why Does Bloomberg News Desperately Want COVID-19 Treatments To Fail?

We've steadily pointed out the curious case of Bloomberg News, whose owner spent upwards of $1 billion in a spectacularly failed effort to run for president of the United States, and the legacy media outlet's history of pushing the propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party.

This morning they are at it again, trying to shoot more arrows at President Trump's efforts to find successful therapies for the COVID-19 epidemic.

In the article, Bloomberg throws shade on a small study in France which showed the drug being highly effective against the virus, while touting an equally small study IN CHINA that showed no net positive effect.

If you look at Bloomberg's effort article by article, you possibly could find some justification for their writing, but if you look at in total, the agenda seems very clear.

CDMedia will continue to point out what we see is political bias against our president, and against America, in the legacy business press.