Mike Lee’s S386 Bill Creates ‘Green Card Lite’ For Waves Of New Migrants
Image by Gage Skidmore

Editor's Note - we recently came a demonstration in Washington, D.C. where American veterans were demonstrating against this type of immigration policy...An Indian immigrant rode by on a bicycle and yelled..."I make more than all of you put together you idiots!"

Not an attractive look for Indian migrants...

Sen. Mike Lee’s latest version of S.286 creates a novel “Green Card Lite” legal status to help Fortune 500 companies import many more Indian graduates into U.S. white collar jobs.

“That’s a game changer from the original bill,” said a tweet from a top ranking immigration lawyer Greg Siskind. It gives people “most of the benefits of a green card,” said Siskind, who is working with hospital chains to expand the pipeline of foreign nurses and doctors into U.S. hospitals. 

Current law says migrants and foreign contract workers become Legal Permanent Residents of the United States once they get green cards and also become eligible to apply for citizenship and voting cards in five years...

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