A Simple Question -- Do They Want To Control Your Life Or Not?

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We at CDMedia believe that economic power is at the heart of the movement to reclaim the republic. We are attempting to help readers make a decision for future purchases in supporting that agenda. The simple question is -- does a corporation want to control your life? Or, help you to live a free, prosperous life?
We are listing corporations below on either side of the spectrum with linked supporting documentation. We will be adding names often going forward. Please excuse the low number of names as we grow this effort.
By the way, we consider a majority of business conducted, or imported from China a firm placement in the 'Wants To Control Your Life" category, as heavy involvement with the Chinese Communist Party speaks for itself on that matter. It is a known fact China uses slave labor.
A 'commitment to social justice' is also in our view a commitment to cultural Marxism, the ultimate in control.
And all corporate media is on the Left side of the chart.
This list has nothing to do with 'alt-right' or 'alt-left', it simply is about whether someone else wants to control your life.
Happy shopping and God Bless America!
The website ChinaNever is good for sourcing goods not made in China.
I like your woke corporations list. We need to step it up though. We need to target the leadership of these companies who are largely white hypocrites. As they lecture us about ceding power to POC, they must be called to lead by example and relinquish their privileged positions to POC. They go first.
Thank you for listening.
Unfortunately duckduckgo is NOT trustworthy, nor do they give the real results for a search that you do. I've been using them for over a year & in the past 6 mos. they've changed drastically. They were probably bought out by google.
Close! Microsoft.
Thanks for the list. You might consider DuckDuckGo.com as an alternative to google. I've been using them and they are touted as a trackless, privacy secure alternative websearch. Also, Lowes Home Improvement chain, like Home Depot, needs to be on the "wants to control" list. See this link where the CEO briefly says he is a social justice warrior who discriminates against whites to help only "minorities" >> https://www.hardwareretailing.com/lowes-ceo-discusses-changing-retail-landscape/
Duck Duck Go is a wolf in sheep's clothing. But thanks for the info on Lowes.
Ace Hardware should be added to Wants To Control List. Ace hosted a trade show in Florida November 2021 for their supply vendors. Ace required independent vendors to be vaccinated to exhibit at the show. Florida did not mandate vaccinations.
Agree! Ace Hardware were hard core mask nazis during plandemic & it was in TX too. Will never forget how crazy rude they were about masks - Have not shopped them since!
I don’t believe Duluth Trading is currently a freedom loving company. Last time I purchased something from them my credit card was charged by China Air which really confused me at the time. It seems the CCP has purchased them.
That's a shame; & my husband & I JUST did order a few things from them. Oh well. They won't get any more orders from us now.
BUMMER!!!!! But thanks for the "Red Alert"!
Thanks, I just discovered the "wolf" in DuckDuckGo and was coming back to let you guys know.
Freespoke and PreSearch are two alternatives.
The company "Love for Jesus" is not an American company as their sleight of hand advertising wants you to believe. Goods come straight from China. I suspect their admin is based there as I had a slew of emails from them in ever so broken English. They are clever and trained in their deception (like many salespeople) and probably educated in USA. They pretended to be organising a refund on their poor quality t-shirts. The penny dropped when I was passed from one operative to another "supervisor" and still no refund after 8-10 weeks. I may be naive but usually don't purchase online. PS they are not followers of Christ who lie continually and deliberately and put money before integrity in their business.
Add Proctor & Gamble to the naughty list and add AMAC (an alternative to AARP) to the good guy list! https://www.amac.us BlackRock and Vanguard are very naughty!
Can Fidelity be far behind?
I’ve written a comment on this before but I’ll do it again. DULUTH TRADING SEEMS TO BE OWNED BY CHINA NOW. The last time I made a purchase my credit card was charged by CHINA AIR.
Protonmail went out of their way to voice support for the leftists in Myanmar. Do not trust them just because they are, or are pretending to be, Swiss.
Can you tell me if Raymond James is on the control your life or the wants you to be free list?
Edward Jones is.
What search engine can we use?
Take a look at Freespoke (new - still building) and Presearch.org.
Commie employees increase = more left.
My friend tells me NVIDIA employs TONS of commies.
Companies that have their factories in China employ 95+% commies in factories.
China no longer needs spies, they're ALL working in the factories (and PAID TO STEAL). BOZOs !!
IT's not only in China. Roughly 45 people were fired from NIH for failing to disclose membership in the CCP. They are all over the place.
May want to look at Rumble & Gettr. Censorship is becoming common practice with both platforms.
Wow - losing Rumble as a free speech platform would be bad!
Part of the problem may be that it is a NASDAQ listed company ($RUM). That could make them subject to takeover.
Unfortunately, You better add Carhartt in the "control your life group" after Mr. Torba shared a copy of their corporate vax mandate letter despite the US Supreme Court striking down the OSHA mandate.
Personally, I recognized several of these entities some time ago as being enemies of Americans and have come across several others not listed here. Those enemies include Tracfone Wireless, Teachers Unions and orgs, JCPenney, Kohls, AOL, Huffington Post, Lands End, Abercrombie & Fitch, Macys, Vogue, NYPOST (fake conservative), NYDAILY NEWS, NYTIMES, ZAPPOS, Northwell Health.
Consider adding the following two businesses, from out of Arkansas:
American Vintage Soap Company, which is overtly patriotic. https://avsoapco.com/
Shadrachs Coffee, which is deeply Christian, holds fundraisers for the community, offers to fulfill prayer requests (and has really good coffee). https://shadrachscoffee.com/
Add to "control your life" HULU, Ambercrombie & Fitch, Sephora, KOHLS, Spectrum News-NY1, Tracfone
You should check out StartPage (https://www.startpage.com/) as a freedom-loving, privacy-protecting search engine. For years I used DuckDuckGo, but ditched them a while back for StartPage.
Also Firefox as a browser.
Would love to know what your research says about both of these.
Scottsdale Mint is a freedom loving company where to buy precious metals. I suggest them to add to the right column. Not enough on that side!
Have you ever been to Hobby Lobby and looked at where the vast majority of their product comes from?
I appreciate their corporate philosophy but it doesn't seem fair to complain about Duluth having so much China
product and say nothing about where Hobby Lobby's comes from
I totally agree Dawn. Praying that Americans will demand total transparency from companies so we know where the $$$ is going.
Thank you for this list -and thank you for incorporating the comment suggestions! Team CD is awesome!
Some years ago - 10 maybe - I tried to buy only goods made in USA. Well, that very quickly became goods made anywhere but China. And that list became China is ok when you can't find it made anywhere else! I recently tried to buy a new clothes iron and every single one made in China. DJT was right about so much and his push to bring manufacturing home was spot on. We need clean technologies and we need to make it in USA! Am buying a pair of vintage UGG snow boots on ebay because they were made in Vietnam not China!
Also, health insurance companies - like Harvard Pilgrim in MA. I was fired by my primary doctor for not agreeing to screening tests - mammogram, colonoscopy. I had no symptoms, nothing to indicate that the tests would be helpful and they said I couldn't remain in their practice if I didn't do the testing. While I don't have proof, the conclusion I drew was that it was the health insurance company telling the doctors they wouldn't cover the practice if their patients refused screening. It's deep and dark in the medical cartel.
Is Ruby Freeman giving up the names of the others who were involved in the fraud and stolen election of November 2020? You know she had to have been given orders by someone and there were three other people who stayed after the fake water main break. I am also wondering how citizens can get these people arrested and finally once and for all null and void the 2020 election or re-instate President Trump.
There are many more companies not listed that should be on the shit list. The alternative companies where we can do business is getting less and less ! All we're hearing from our 'government' is CRICKETS. We can't vote ourselves out of this situation because the Demonocrats control the 'voting machines'. America is history.
Overstock.com is listed in the support our freedom column. Blackrock and Vanguard are the 2 major stockholders...
add wells fargo bank to the control / communist list
I would add FedEx as somewhat to the Free column. And add Menards to the Free column.
During the mask mandate debacle our local Menards refused to check you out if you didn’t have on a mask. They never said anything while you browsed around without one. There were a lot of shopping carts left at the checkout unpaid. Not sure it merits the Free column.
Great List! I am a bit surprised that The Heritage Foundation is not included therein.
What about the Duck/Duck, I use that browser???
'Result Hunter' for search engine alternative ?
Jeremy's Razors are made in China, so their ploy that as a Jeremy's customer you are joining the alternate economy based on freedom is misleading - you're supporting China. And the razor blades are horrible.
Dominos pizza bragged not too long ago that it was creating crusts with ‘ Bug flour ‘… which is to push the WEF/In agenda 2030/2050 agenda on us.
I think we need to double check our ‘ list ‘ and be sure these companies aren’t ‘ snakes in the grass ‘.
Please include Calben soap to your 'Freedom' list. https://calbensoaps.com/
Brave is duck duck go. They are the same.
If you close the brave tab, you get duck duck go. Deceiving.
3M could probaby be dropped from the "Wants to Control Your Life" list at this point, for three reasons: 1) The reason that they were put on it was a Vaccine Policy in the Columbia MO Plant, this is no longer a 3M Plant (it's the spin-off Solventum). 2) 3M as a Corporation dropped their mandatory Employee Vaccination Policy a number of years ago. 3) 3M neither supports DEI or ESG in their global operations.
Check out the Woke brand directory @ http://www.wokesearch.com. It has thousands of woke products, brands, stock symbols and jurisdictions, along with sourced links., broken down by category.
Check out wokesearch.net, there are more than 8,000 Woke products, stocks and companies in their searchable online Woke brand directory.
At this point, the list is highly suspect. CDM has no way to accept input from people who actually know these companies, so ones that should be moved one way or the other are not. Cas in point, 3M: I've pointed out before that 3M could probaby be dropped from the "Wants to Control Your Life" list at this point, for three reasons: 1) The reason that they were put on it was a Vaccine Policy in the Columbia MO Plant, this is no longer a 3M Plant (it's the spin-off Solventum). 2) 3M as a Corporation