Adding Southwest Airlines To The 'Left' Side Of The Freedom Or Control List Due To Vaccine Mandate
Image by DonFB

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Southwest Airlines cancelled thousands of flights over the weekend and hundreds more on Monday due to a pilot work stoppage in response to Southwest's new employee 'vaccine mandate'. Some reports have over 40% of pilots of the airline refusing to take the jab.

Due to this tyrannical behavior by Southwest management, we are adding the airline to the 'Left' column of the 'Freedom or Control List', a list meant to guide consumers in effort to support companies who value freedom, and boycott those who want to control your life.

We at CDMedia believe that economic power is at the heart of the movement to reclaim the republic. We are attempting to help readers make a decision for future purchases in supporting that agenda. The simple question is — does a corporation want to control your life? Or, help you to live a free, prosperous life?

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