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Cities across the world erupted into protest this weekend over mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports, continued lockdowns and the encroachment of medical tyranny.
Below are videos from France, Italy, Australia and the United Kingdom.
Citizens around the world must keep it up or we are all lost and on our way to gulags and our children raised by the state.
One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. – 1961
That is the spirit: be free, because then you can solve problems.
Every one around the world had better stand up to this tiranny or get used to living on your knees.FOREVER.
But for 2A, it would be in the US.
Citizenry across the entire globe must be their own advocates especially since it's being seen that few 'real' politicians and so-called human rights promoters are self-serving or cloaked behind some secretive veil to further themselves.
A UFO "Psych-op" will put an end to that.
Due to:
Mixed messages
skew data on vaccines
report on deaths from vaccines
Dble Stds
& U wonder why many WONT take vaccines.
Blame Big Tech & Dems
I am not anti-vax per se. At this stage I have not seen any compelling evidence or argument to take an experimental gene therapy. Until I do, I will wait. I take very seriously the responsibility that my body is a temple for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Funny how people peacefully protesting and marching for freedom are labeled anarchist's. But blm rioters can harm police, burn and loot buildings and are labeled as misunderstood victims. its no wonder why people distrust government.
Mandatory jabs are crimes against humanity according to 1947 Nuremberg Code!!! See also 2005 UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics & Human Rights, and Barrington Declaration. In USA, it's unconstitutional (Amendments 4, 10, Section 1 of 14).
Were is the USA?