So what? This is a grotesque violation of international norms. Freezing assets is one thing, spending the assets is an incendiary violation of international norms and will provoke broader conflict.

I never want to hear the term “International Norms of Behavior” ever again from any smarmy Globalist elite.
I’m firmly America First on the Ukraine subject - but the Brits and French are now looting the Escrow Accounts of frozen Russian assets which has immense implications - broader than the fighting in Ukraine.
This is a hugely under-reported story. Freezing of foreign funds is one thing and has been done routinely in international relations. Spending the frozen funds is absurd if anyone believes in “international norms”.
There are several banks in New York that specialize in Escrow and management of frozen funds - a long standing line of business. There’s still roughly $100 Billion of frozen Iranian assets in these banks, despite Sleepy Joe’s giveaways back to Iran from the frozen Iranian accounts. There’s roughly $15 Billion more of frozen Iranian funds in the banks of trusted partner nations. The $20 Billion of Iranian funds “frozen” by China is a joke and being exfiltrated right into the pockets of the CCP.
With perhaps some small exceptions based on robust and lengthy legal reviews, we haven’t spent the Iranian funds.
The UK and France are committing an egregious and incendiary offense - they are now spending the frozen Russian assets to build their own militaries. The U.S. should reject any arms sales to the UK and France tracing to the frozen Russian assets held by the UK and France.
The Brits and the Frogs need to return every farthing to escrow and stop this highly provocative act that will trigger broader world conflict. Frozen assets means frozen - it’s not the spending cash for former great nations to prop up their puny militaries.
to me this means immediate retaliation by the Rus. So be it a Russian blanket from Pacific to Atlantic, and then Greenland will beg Trump. Thanks