Why are so many doctors having second thoughts about COVID?
Doctors are stepping up and recognizing mistakes that were made. Is yours?

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WASHINGTON, DC - A newly formed international watchdog coalition that includes doctors, healthcare experts, and thought leaders representing millions of medical professionals around the world unveiled a series of startling new ads today that asks, "Why are so many doctors having second thoughts about COVID?"
Named the Global Health Project, the 501 © (3) hopes to give permission for doctors to acknowledge that mistakes were made and encourage the public to take ownership of their own health. It also demands honest conversations between doctors and their patients to reconcile the flaws in the healthcare system and regain the trust lost during COVID-19.
The highly emotional ads feature actual physicians who originally went along with the government narrative but have since changed their minds. They share their experiences of how the damage was done throughout the COVID-19 pandemic due to medical professionals not adhering to their original oath of "do no harm."
Claims from the pandemic response are being contradicted more and more, as seen by CDC's own Director, Rochelle Walensky. Walensky testified in Congress last April that the COVID-19 vaccines do not stop the spread of the virus, acknowledging that the information presented in the guidelines was untrue. Walensky's comments contradict repeated claims during the pandemic that urged people to get the vaccines because doing so would reduce virus transmission. This is only one example of how blind trust in the government and health authorities created mistreatment during the pandemic.
Dr. Kat Lindley, President of GHP, stated, "The excuse for making these 'guideline mistakes' was that it was 'what we believed we knew at the time'; however, we're learning that there was almost zero consideration for the possibility of them being wrong. And even worse, people were given almost no choice and coerced into this direction, which they now claim was uncertain."
"We need to recognize that the little voice inside us that feels betrayed is not only shared by most of the population, but the doctors as well," said Dr. Andrea Nazarenko, a GHP founding board member. "We are identifying mistakes and missteps based on faulty data and information handed down by agencies, and we can't be afraid to discuss it."
"We need to ensure that these mistakes will never happen again," stated Nazarenko.
The ad has three versions: 8 minutes, 1 minute, and 30 seconds. The ads can be viewed here, here, and here.
The ad's script is a powerful and intimate series of personal admissions from doctors amid personal reckoning. Below is the 30-second script.
We are doctors saying what tens of thousands of silenced medical professionals from all over the world have not been able to tell.
We allowed ourselves to be manipulated by a terribly corrupt system.
A system so powerful and pervasive that it misled or forced good people into following harmful protocols.
We are choosing to break our dependency on a system that has failed us all…
And re-earn your trust as we work together to ensure that it never happens again.
Millions around the world support these principles. One notable example is the Great Barrington Declaration which warned of the harm created by COVID lockdowns early in the pandemic in an open letter now signed by close to one million concerned citizens and medical professionals. Their goal is to bring forward medical professionals who are ready to talk about some destructive choices and practices adopted during the pandemic and begin the healing process with patients and the public.