*Schwack is a technical term meaning they will be taught a teachable life lesson they will never forget (for those who survive)

We are at war with China already. One manifest exhibit is Fentanyl: 100% of the formulary components are from China with final production by the Cartels in Northern Mexico under the supervision of the Chinese.
Around 360,000 Americans have been killed by Fentanyl in the last three years. America lost 405,000 in World War II. If that’s not compelling evidence, I frankly do not know what to say.
We have to expand our minds and thinking to understand the Chinese Unrestricted Warfare strategy to collapse America. Bombs and missiles by China onto U.S. territory are the last two minutes of the game. We are at war now.
The 7th Special Forces Group is now training Mexican Marines in Foreign Internal Defense (FID), the bread and butter, Job Number One, of U.S. Special Operation Forces.
Yes, we must absolutely secure the borders of America, but it has gotten so bad in Northern Mexico that China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela all have substantial intelligence, training, and logistics facilities in Northern Mexico.
Mexico is a collapsed, failed, corrupt state that cannot take care of its own people so they have no problem sending them north, for them to send back remittances, or to allow their sovereign territory to be ruled by Drug Cartels, China, and other evil groups.
Those days are about to come to an end. We are not going to old school, “invade” Mexico, but we will teach these demonic groups a lesson they will not forget and will likely send many of them fleeing the country after the first event or two.
Get ready.
The cartels have taken over Mexican states I have a new friend that recently left Guanajuato because the cartels make ALL buisiness owners pay protection fees (in other words you pay us or we destroy your business) they even force home owners to pay them fees and GET THIS he said if you have tree in your yard the cartels make you pay for the tree or they cut it down. He said in essence the cartels are charging home owners for their shade.The chinese are there helping w/the production of fentanyl