The globalist business media is 'all-in' promoting the 'second wave' narrative to keep America locked down as we approach the November election and the possible re-election of President Donald J. Trump. Markets are selling off as a result. At the time of publishing, the DOW is off upwards of 3%.
CDMedia has no doubt the Chinese coronavirus is real; however, we also believe it is very manageable as far as its health impact on American society. Panic and lockdowns are not responsible or necessary.
The globalist media has an agenda; to prevent Trump's re-election and to destroy his base of 'makers' in America. These are the people that work hard, start businesses, are self-reliant, and don't need the government at all. Therefore their livelihood must be destroyed in this Maoist revolution America is experiencing.
Texas, California and Florida reported large increases in virus cases.
In economic news, a larger than expected crude build put pressure on oil prices.
MBA Mortgage Applications (Jun 19) printed at -8.7%.
Housing Price Index (MoM) (Apr) printed at 0.2%.
EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change (Jun 19) printed at 1.442M vs 1.215M consensus estimate.
I smell a RAT. A New World Order RAT. ANY Politician who supports them are now the Enemy of America.. Thank GOD for the Second Amendment. We are instituting it now.
2nd wave? Really? Since the "wave' in question, realistically speaking, is indeed yet another wave of manipulation by the powers that be in their ongoing and long since laid bare efforts to manufacture consent of the rubes, I'll surmise that "2nd wave" indicates the second wave so far today.
Far worse than the politician rats, are their toadies; the suck ups, the hangers on, their enablers, the cretins that will cheerfully watch the world burn if it makes them feel important, that they matter, that they're something more than the pond scum that they indeed are. In this disgustingly cloying, plastic banana society of fatuous play pretend, keeping one's sanity intact is an arduous, wearisome task, and a stiff upper lip even harder to pull off by the end of the day. But it sure as hell strengthens one's resolve, does it not?
C - communists/china
O -order (new world)
L - leftists/dems
L - liars
U - uncle joe & son
S - subversion
I - insurrection
O - obama
N - n*****s
Ok, what will be next on the left's agenda when this fails to work?
[…] Isn’t It Interesting The ‘Second Wave’ Comes Right After Race Riots Fail? Markets … […]
...it'll be back to the tried and true Riots and Looting manufactured by another trumped-up pseudo-racial event
[…] Isn’t It Interesting The ‘Second Wave’ Comes Right After Race Riots Fail? Markets … […]