Bitcoin-Backed Bonds Are Coming To Wall Street As Goldman Embraces Crypto-Collateral
Image by Mariochom

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Earlier in the week we described El Salvador's historic bitcoin bond deal - a $1 billion deal collateralized with $500 million of bitcoin that the crypto-embracing nation would use to fund the construction of  a “Bitcoin city.” As we said at the time:

Other countries are likely to look into how they too can get money without having to deal with the rapacious bankers at the IMF.

A Bitcoin bond is a great way to secure funding outside the bounds of the traditional financial system.

Well, according to a report from CoinDeskGoldman Sachs, and a handful of othe tier-one US banks, are figuring out how to use bitcoin as collateral for cash loans to institutions, according to three people familiar with the plans...

To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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