Real Gold and Dollar Valuations Are Key As America Rises From The Globalist Ashes.

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We are watching a global monetary reset, in real time. It is believed that Trump is doing this to revalue the dollar, downward temporarily, to make American goods and services more attractive to the international market. Meanwhile, the Left whines that the price of gas and food hasn’t come down yet, while thinking human beings understand that the mess that has been made cannot be shoveled up in just a few weeks.

Personally, I thank God for giving us a man who can and will tackle this monster to save our country.

Since WW II and the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944, the US dollar had been backed by gold, and promise that dollars could be exchanged for gold at any time, at the preset rate (then, approximately $35/oz.)

The bearer of dollars had confidence in both the country and the exchange rate. It remained thus until 1971, when the Globalists talked President Richard Nixon into “temporarily” taking the dollar off of the gold standard, to “avoid speculation” so that it would be no longer backed by the precious metal. When he did that, gold spiked to $44/oz, and has moved pretty steadily upward since.

Shortly after Nixon’s announcement, David Rockefeller - who admits in his biography, to being all about creating a One World government, began to sell cheap (below market) gold to members of his international cabal, knowing, I believe that the value would continue to rise. Cheap gold, presumably from our vaults. His private secretary, Louise Auchinschloss Boyer, exposed his actions in an article in a NY paper, and ended up dead, “falling” through her 10th floor apartment window.

JFK also had proposed a Constitutional currency which could not be tampered with.

These Globalist criminals take their wealth very seriously; they move with assumed impunity. That is coming to an end, thanks to Donald Trump.

After the dollar was no longer backed by gold, we kept printing more and more money to satisfy our debt. The value of the dollar plummeted, as did confidence in our American economy. Trump47, inherited an economy in a death spiral. This is what Trump and Musk are now trying to correct.

Over the decades, the dollar has lost huge value (54% alone since 2020, during the OBiden years!) and America, respect as a trading partner. Gold has gone from $44 - $2910. per oz.

Revaluing gold will be a challenge. At the current price, all the US government’s gold - if it is there - would be worth about $755 billion. This is a pittance compared to the $37 trillion national debt. As my metals market expert says, “to cover ONLY 50% OF THE NATIONAL DEBT, gold would have to be revalued to $77,000/oz.” ( Obviously this would mean NOT returning to the gold standard, but the issuance of long-term (50-100 year) unsecured Treasury securities. These, not backed by but collateralized by gold. This may be part of Trump’s Sovereign Wealth Fund plans.

I recommend watching a one-hour video which gives good information from credible sources. It is worth a good look, imho.

Please bear in mind, the Federal Reserve Bank is NOT part of the US Government, but is privately held. Says the American Monetary Institute, the Federal Reserve system is essentially dominated and controlled by private financiers, not our government; and to the extent that there is ownership of it, it is entirely private. Therefore despite the ambiguity – and confusion – the Fed is more accurately seen as a private, not a governmental institution, though with substantial governmental ties

Chances are good that Ft. Knox has little or no actual gold inside. The story of where this might fit, into the grand scheme of the murderous international fraud of these last decades, is a story that has many possible ends.

A complete review of the gold reserves at the Fort Knox facility, reputably the most secure in the world, has not been done since 1953, according to a fiscal public advocacy group, Sound Money Defense League. Thirteen of the last 17 “audit reports” - done remotely, not at the facility - are missing.

Elon Musk thinks a live video walk-through would be in order.

The last two representatives of our government who have been inside the vault were Mitch McConnell and Steve Mnuchin, Treasury Secretary, in 2017, the first year of Trump’s first term. Others have been told they are NOT welcome, because it is a “military base”. The 2017 trip was just a “tour” not an official inspection of reserves, and apparently for two special people. Sen. Mike Lee says he has been refused entry repeatedly, with no reason offered.

Allow me a few words about McConnell and Mnuchin. Ok, more than a few…

We know that neither of these men are on the side of America. McConnell, has long been an anti-American RINO, closely connected to China through his wife. He is finishing out his congressional career by reflexively voting against Trump’s cabinet nominees.

I admit that I did not know much about Mnuchin…

Steve Mnuchin, Trump’s Sec. of the Treasury from 2017 - 2021, is a Deep State plant, just as were Pence, Bill Barr, and so many more. The Globalists are working to hide the near fatal US economic wounds they have rendered to our nation, which are now suppurating. Trump and DOGE are lancing that sickening boil.

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The screams of those involved in the criminal financial attack on our country are music to my ears. Elizabeth Warren, a former professor, is worth $82 million; Maxine Waters, a modest $10 million. Trump’s former Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, is worth $400 million. Mitch McConnell, $96 million give or take. They are stunned and angry to be discovered. Scream all you want.

On 11/11, 2024, the very week Trump was elected to his second term, Mnuchin declared he would NOT serve in the same capacity during Trump’s second term.

Could that be because of the $4.7 TRILLION in payments, made, which are untraceable? The Treasury Access Symbol (TAS) is an identification code linking a Treasury payment to a budget line item (standard financial process). In the Federal Government, and under Mnuchin’s Treasury, the TAS field was left optional - often left blank - making traceability almost impossible, Musk revealed on X.

Steve Mnuchin graduated from Yale, a member of Skull and Bones, and went right to work at Goldman Sachs in NY, where his daddy was on the board. After 17 years there, Mnuchin left Goldman in 2002 with an estimated $46 million of company stock and $12.6 million in compensation that he received in the months prior to his departure.[10]

From 2003 to 2004 Mnuchin worked as Chief Executive Officer at SFM Capital Management, a fund backed by George Soros.[29][30]

After Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, Mnuchin established an investment fund, Liberty Strategic Capital. LSC obtained funds from the Saudis, Emirati and Qatari sovereign wealth funds.[53] According to the New York Times, "The scale of Mr. Mnuchin’s fund and its investments from countries where he traveled as Treasury secretary have raised questions about whether he used his government role to enrich himself."[54]

The NY Times must have thought they were taking a poke at a Trumpster! lol

Before joining the presidential campaign of Donald Trump in 2016, Mnuchin had been involved in politics only by donating money to campaigns.[59] Between 1995 and 2014, he donated over $120,000 to political organizations, PACs, politicians, and political parties. His contributions to candidates included 11 donations to Republicans and 36 donations to Democrats. The campaigns of Al GoreHillary ClintonJohn KerryBarack Obama, and Mitt Romney were among those to which he donated money.[60] Mnuchin later stated most of those donations were favors for friends.[32]

Let me repeat that: Trump’s first Treasury Secretary worked for George Soros, donated to Leftists 3:1, AND enriched himself most probably, by his connections made while in office. ‘Nuff said. Read the rest of his Wikipedia summary; fascinating.

I’m guessing Donald Trump knows all this by now. He chose his second cabinet far more wisely, it appears.

Since Biden began drooling on the world stage and messing himself while seated next to royalty, central banks and emerging markets have sold US treasury certificates and invested in gold, creating what some have called a “mad rush” for the precious metal.

Until these past few months, central banks were buying a lot of gold, said to be in response to the failing US economy under Biden. Goldman Sachs speculated that the price of gold would increase as much as 11% in 2025.

Suddenly, though, this trend reversed, and there has been massive amounts of gold being sent back INTO our country, from central banks around the world, especially from the Bank of England, via cargo and even passenger planes., per the owner of the Scottsdale Mint. Is this to replace that which may be missing from Fort Knox and elsewhere? Is this part of the outflow which began in the ‘70’s?

Are trucks now pulling up to Fort Knox, and unloading in the dark? I would LOVE to be a bird in a tree on that Kentucky landscape. Maybe the vault will be full again.

Tarriffs are being introduced by Trump Administration, to weaken the dollar, and make US goods more attractive to the international market. This is a manufactured “crisis” forcing devaluation. I believe that Trump is forcing America to produce more to meet global demand for goods, which will be priced with a weaker dollar, and therefore more competitive on the world market.

Is this it? Is our President forcing the Fed’s Chmn. Jerome Powell to lower rates by creating a mini-crisis, where US treasuries are being sold off, and gold is being stockpiled?

What if Trump revalues the gold/dollar ratio, then when the dollar is higher and gold is all back in the vault, the military (for example) finds a cache of criminal reserves in the Ukraine, and POTUS uses that to finish the stabilization of the dollar?

There are endless “what-if’s”. That game is always fun to play. If anything is sure at this point, we in America SURELY have the leadership that can pull this off and save our economy, if anyone can.

Whatever and however, we are undergoing a massive shift in the global financial system. Trump and Musk are taking the lead. Who else would you have there?

Don’t worry, Mr. Mnuchin, sir. No one will be asking you to serve in this administration, I wouldn’t think. The next request you get may be from the the DOJ to appear and tell your criminal story. Today, Donald Trump knows a lot more about sorting out enemies from friends.