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Wisconsin independent journalist and election fraud investigator Peter Bernegger filed the following reports showing collusion between the Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul's office and outside nonprofits prior to 2020 election.
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Internal emails show the office of the Attorney General of Wisconsin, Josh Kaul, coordinating with the deep state and media prior to 2020 election.
Look at the names of their internal email posted here. From the Progressive State Leaders Organization.
Look at the date of the email. I have earlier ones also and will be publishing them.
Outside leftist attorneys and non-profits telling our State Attorney General what to do.
Norm Eisen works with this organization promoting such things as vote by mail, drop boxes and changing election laws to make it easier to cheat! And they got their monies from the US Treasury - follow the NGO's!
Guess what: there are numerous liberal state AG's exposed in the 151 emails.

Emails prove Attorney Generals are being controlled by leftists.
You're paying for these leftist who are:
the Progressive State Leaders, Voter Protection Program and States United Democracy.
Each controlled by the extreme leftist Norm Eisen, and funded by you the taxpayer.
See in the email right here NBC News, New York Times, NPR, Military dot com, CNN, Arizona Republic, WTSP of Petersburg, Michigan news, Minnesota news, WLUK of Green Bay, Fox of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Journal Sentential. WLPW of Madison all exposed doing their part in 'it was the safest most secure election in history' false narrative.
What happened: your money came from the US Treasury to NGO's and non-profits listed above. They used State Attorney General offices to promote the liberal narrative. On taxpayers' time and dimes.
They hired the Berlin Rosen PR firm - so you paid for that also - to tell State Attorney General Josh Kaul what to say.
These leftists non-profits used Josh Kaul's Asst. State Attorney Generals for months before and after the Nov.3rd 2020 election. There up to ten (10) assistant attorney generals of the Wis. office work on this - during business hours, while being paid by taxpayers.
They planned all this out BEFORE November 3rd 2020 election, the emails I have show over 80 zoom and/or Microsoft Team meetings. Into 2023 and 2024 also.
I believe this is bribery (per state law) and other felony crimes as on the emails are attorneys from the non-profits providing free legal advice to an elected State AG, effectively embedding themselves in Kaul's office, telling his minions what to do and what to say.
How about misconduct in public office, it's a felony. Or malfeasance in office. Bribery? Colluding to steal a Presidential election: by trying to cover it up.
The emails say "press briefing", but it was Voter Protection Program and the other two non-profits who decided who to invite or not invite. And why did news show up from Arizona? And Michigan? And MN? NPR?
Answer: to control the narrative and convince the public November 3rd was an honest election - when it was stolen big time (I have said hundreds of times with solid evidence it was stolen, begin at Dec 27 2022 of my posts for a shocker).

Meagan Wolfe indirectly tied to bribery scam of WIS State Attorney General Josh Kaul and his minions.
This is a national story: first look at the internal email of Josh Kaul's office I posted on Feb 28th quoted in this chain.
It has Charlotte J. Gibson in it - she is a one of the lead Wisconsin Assist. Attorney Generals who spent tons of time working on what the leftist groups wanted. While being paid by us taxpayers!
These leftists States United Democracy and Progressive States Leaders stole our money from the US Treasury. Each then provided free attorneys to Josh Kaul's office in Madison - this is bribery per WIS state law!
Next look at the email here, up pops Charlotte J. Gibson representing Meagan Wolfe - the Administrator of the Wisconsin Election Commission.
And Emma pops up again from Berlin Rosen - the PR firm paid by your tax dollars to tell elected State Attorney General Josh Kaul what to say.

Eliminate statewide voter rolls: 1) we don't need them
2) we will never be able to secure them where right now the data is concentrated in a single, high-value target
3) take away a key tool bad guys use to commit election fraud
4) reduce taxpayer money spent on elections
5) would simplify the registration process
6) local control over voter registration can increase accountability and transparency as local officials are more directly answerable to the communities they serve
7) adding: reduce the precinct size.