Post Mueller Hoax, Trump's Policies Are Working, And The Left Is Getting Vicious

Watching the corrupt media, you would never know the Democrats and their enablers had just been caught trying to bring down a duly-elected president of the United States; in banana republic country, we call that a coup.

Post Mueller hoax, POTUS has done nothing but get down to business, and it is working, much too well for the Left's tastes. Their carefully laid plans to bring down the United States of America are being shredded, as the American phoenix rises from the ashes.

President Trump chose the right time for his battle with communist China, as he attempts to rectify decades of malfeasance by multiple administrations on both sides of the aisle who sold out the heartland to the Chicoms. Despite the pressures from the trade war, the markets are still high (although I expect a perfectly normal 20% correction any day now which would be normal and healthy), the economy is still growing (although admittedly less than before due to the trade tension), the military is strong, our enemies are being confronted, peace is breaking out in dark corners of the world like Ukraine and North Korea, the wall is being built, open border immigration policies are being phased out, conservative judges are being appointed faster than you can say Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and unemployment for minorities is at record lows.

Quite the list of accomplishments don't you think?

Reports are even filtering out that a significant portion of the minority vote is swinging to Trump; it seems minorities also like prosperity. Who'd have thought?

The Russia hoax didn't work, and everything else the American communist party (Democrats) has thrown at the wall has not worked. That doesn't stop them from trying of course.

And there in lies the reason why the American Marxist media and the AOCs of the world are getting so vicious and desperate for anything to bring down Trump and prevent his re-election -- they haven't been able to stop him, in his bid to resurrect the greatest experiment in human history in self-governance - the American Constitution and way of life.

Expect it to get worse at November 2020 approaches, to levels of viciousness, lies, and hysteria never before contemplated.

The corrupt legacy media will be all on board, singing the commie talking points of the day to those useful idiots who will consume it.

Fellow patriots, strap in, buckle your belt, and get ready to rumble. It's going to be a rough year, but we will prevail.

Work harder for POTUS and keep the faith. For as Lincoln so famously warned -- the only thing that will defeat America is us. The Left is working hard at it.