Originally posted at SteveGruber.com
A 20-year-old college student at Lake Superior State University in Michigan has been jailed for 3-months awaiting trial on terrorism related charges
A 20-year-old college student at Lake Superior State University in Michigan has been jailed for 3-months awaiting trial on terrorism related charges. His offense? According to multiple sources, Lucas Gerhard was arrested for posting a picture of his new AR-15 online with the caption, “this outta make snowflakes melt”. His post also included this, “and I mean snow.”
No really, that is it.
Lucas was using the app Snapchat with a group of friends when he posted the picture of his newly purchased rifle. The picture was later shared with other students in Gerhard’s college dorm in Sault St. Marie.
Lucas is set to face trial on March 18th in Chippewa County. He is charged with making a false report or threat of terrorism charges for the Snapchat post.
This is an unbelievable over reach of anti-gun advocates attacking a student, the son of a retired Marine, to show you what so-called ‘Red Flag’ laws will actually look like in practice if they are put oEngland’s Carbon Free Churchn the books.
Is anyone going to protest outside the courthouse? - Here is something you may want: https://vcdl-gear.myshopify.com/collections/stickers/products/guns-save-lives-sticker-rolls