On Wednesday Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) contemplated closing all the beaches in the Golden State this weekend but yesterday he announced that his order would only apply to Orange County. The whimsically capricious leader of America’s most populous state is facing protests at city hall’s and the state house in Sacramento due to his reluctance to “re-open” the local economy.

Photo by Up Mountains
“My job as governor is to keep you safe. When our health folks tell me they can’t promise that if we promote another weekend like we had, then I have to make this adjustment,” he said. “I hope it’s a very short-term adjustment.” If you don’t understand that sentence it’s because it doesn’t make sense, but it does explain the mindlessness behind shutting down a state of 40 million people over 2,000 deaths.
In Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) was slapped down by the state legislature when she asked to extend her stay-at-home restrictions for the month of May so she signed and executive order to exert her will on the people. She found herself confronted by armed citizens at the state Capitol demanding that she open up the economy and remove her despotic restrictions.
In New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced that schools and colleges will remain shut down through the end of the academic year. The order closing NY schools was set to expire on May 15 but Cuomo announced his extension of the shut down with the typical justification, “We must protect our children.”
The last patients left NYC’s Javits Convention center which the Army Corps of Engineers had converted into a 3,000 bed hospital to support health workers with the outbreak of the Chinavirus. During the month of April a total of 1,000 sick and suffering people were treated at the makeshift “hospital” but now there are only 1,000 daily hospital cases across the entries state.
The Governors representing the states in the New Confederacy are facing a math problem that wont allow them to continue the economic and psychological punishment of their citizens. Not enough people are getting sick, and of the sick not enough are dying, to justify these tyrannical orders to shelter-in-place. It is slowly sinking in to more and more people all over the country, but especially the blue states that have the greatest disruption of daily life, that the Chinavirus was never dangerous enough to justify the broad public policy enacted to fight it.
A lost Spring without Easter, senior prom, college graduation, April funerals and May weddings all because of the CCP, the WHO, Multinational Corporations dug in with China, Democrat Governors and the #FakeNews. Grandparents who can’t hold their newborn grandchild, lifelong friends who can’t shake hands or hug, children unable to play with their friends all because of an (inflated) 60,000 person mortality rate. Chinavirus is on the verge of getting pushed down the memory hole by free thinking Americans and will be ignored after Memorial Day.