The Department of Homeland Security issued a four-page report outlining the steps China took to hoard crucial supplies like N95 masks, surgical gowns and gloves throughout the important month of January. According to the new analysis, China decreased their exports of medical supplies while significantly increasing their imports. The DHS analysis also claims that China tried to cover up these changes by denying them and delaying trade information.
The final conclusion states a 95% certainty that China behaved abnormally with the intent to stockpile medical supplies.
The same report also alleges that Chinese actors manipulated the World Health Organization (WHO) into believing the spread of the novel coronavirus was not as serious as it was. In early January, China chose not to inform WHO that this was a human-to-human contagion although they knew that is was.
This meant that the WHO also denied the severity of the virus to the rest of the world, including President Trump who is under harsh criticism from partisan opposition for not addressing the crisis sooner.
Read more at Breitbart.
DHS needs to be dismantled. Period.