Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell shared a declassified memo with two Senators which outlines the scope of “unmasking” requests for General Micheal Flynn’s communications with foreign leaders. Flynn was the incoming Director of National Security and the job requires broad communication with people, good and bad, all over the world. The lame-duck Presidency of Barack Obama unmasked 49 Flynn communications between Election Day and Inauguration Day by team Brennan, Clapper and Comey but also by the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden.

The unmasking had a nefarious aim which was shared by at least 39 Deep State leaders and their underlings. Classified details about Flynn’s conversations with the Russian ambassador were repeatedly leaked to the Washington Post in January and February of 2017. It is important to note that the key conversation from late Dec. 2016 regarding post election Obama imposed sanctions was placed from Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to Gen. Flynn. This is the communication that Flynn admitted to “lying” about to the FBI and kicked off his “cooperation” with the Mueller Special Counsel investigation. To make the point one more time: it’s was a phone call FROM the Russian TO the American and implies that Putin’s people were colluding with Obama/Brennon to lay a trap for Trump.


Obama chief of staff Denis McDonough was another one of the unmaskers and there is circumstantial evidence that he relayed his findings to the boss. Why anyone other than the POTUS and his CoS needed to know about the Russian’s calls with Flynn is an open question. It’s not like the Obama administration didn’t know all about Flynn who was a lifelong Democrat and was named Director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012. Obama’s people knew Flynn and, more importantly with regards to the unmasking plot, Flynn knew Obama’s people.

Lt. General Michael Flynn is a master spy. He ran the DIA which is where all 8 of the US military intelligence agencies report to and he’s seen how Brennan, Clapper and Comey operate from a front row seat. Now Flynn’s trap has ensnared its pray and America is about to find out a lot more about the practice of ”unmasking” and how many innocent people are spied on by their government. Gen. Flynn couldn’t have been the only one.