Donald Trump Needs New Campaign Management, And New Advisors
Image by Michael Vadon

We at CDMedia have been out in front regarding the coordinated, Leftist, media-enabled revolution being pushed upon America by the Soros, Clinton, Obama cabal that hates our country. We believe the main force behind this sophisticated insurrection is the Chinese Communist Party. We have called openly for the President to 'Do Something' about the lawlessness, rioting, murder, and destruction of public property sweeping the nation.

Trump's advisors have moved too slow and have allowed Americans to be harmed, right at the moment Americans needed the President the most.

He is losing voters.

Trump's campaign message is garbled, stale, and frankly, weak.

In short, we have the perception of a leadership problem. These are surprising words to hear about our President, who has been known for tough leadership in the past.

Last night, Tucker Carlson of Fox News forcefully put out this exact message.

"Trump could well lose the election," trumpeted Carlson.

Americans should be very aware that if Trump is not re-elected, the Chinese Communist Party will control the American government via the ghost presidency of Joe Biden.

Our children's future will be destroyed.

Get new advisors Mr. President. Get rid of the weak people in The White House.

Get a new campaign staff Mr. President.

There is still time to save your second term.

Enforce the law. Arrest the terrorists savaging our beloved republic.

We need you President Trump. Please come back.