It's not all about BLM...

Intrigued by Bevelyn Beatty, the black woman who defaced the "Black Lives Matter" street sign in front of Trump Tower on multiple occasions, I went to the scene and took a few photos yesterday.

The mood on 5th Avenue between 56th and 57th streets is tense. Per Mayor Bill De Blasio's order, 27 officers now patrol the block, more than would normally be on the street in an entire precinct. The officers mostly cluster around the front of Trump Tower, with a few on the perimeter of the block.

The "mural" itself isn't as large as it appears in some TV coverage. It takes up one lane. The defacing is plentiful. The original vandal used a can of red paint, and Beatty used blue and black paint in her successive stunts, but others have added tags and spills in various colors.

Even Alex Jones' InfoWars got in on it (or at least one of their fans).

While many with protest signs napped in idling, illegally parked cars, there was a small gaggle of Trump supporters present, waving banners and engaging in arguments with passersby.

The mural has become as messy and embarrassing as the BLM movement itself. Garish, divisive, superfluous, exploitative, and now marred, it is an unnecessary drain on an already overworked, harassed, and demoralized police force.

New Yorkers are learning that BLM is a divisive, corrupt organization. No taxpayer here wants more disorder after the coronavirus ravaged the city, followed by looters and countless protests.

A few blocks from the protest sat this police cruiser.

Crime is skyrocketing in New York, but arrests are down. As reported by the Daily News:

Amid violence that recalls the crack era of the 1980s and early 1990s, cops made 6,337 arrests in the 28 days leading up to Monday — down 62% from the 16,676 arrests made in the same period of 2019.

Arrests dropped off even more precipitously last week, when cops made 1,481 busts — down 68% from the same period in 2019.

Sixty people were shot last week, police data show — an increase of 253% over the 17 shooting victims reported in the same week in 2019.

But cops made just 21 arrests in gun cases — down 72% from the 74 arrests reported in the same week of 2019.

De Blasio finds time to play with paint while disbanding the NYPD's highly effective undercover police team. New Yorkers--many of them black--are calling for more police, not fewer.

If De Blasio had any character at all, he would resign.