While Senator Mitch McConnell and the Trump administration have been trying to drum up support for the next coronavirus relief bill, there is opposition from the Democrats, but also from their own party. The caucus is split over another large spending bill, criticizing the legislation as a way from “Trumpers and Democrats” to try and outspend one another. With a cap of $1 trillion, lawmakers are worried that this large amount will only increase as Republicans negotiate with Pelosi and Schumer, putting more money on the government credit card that goes against many Republicans’ fiscal principles. Even the president, when asked about the bill, said there are parts he doesn’t support.
As lawmakers scramble to pass a relief bill before the August recess, key senators are expected to vote against the bill. Senator Braun from Indiana, said his yes vote is “unlikely,” because he thinks “the price tag is going to be a deal breaker for many of us regardless of the content.” Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Rand Paul criticized the bill, saying the lawmakers are more concerned about their reelection chances than the fiscal impact. Senator Pat Toomey said he has “problems with a number of provisions.” While he will wait to the final version, he is “pretty skeptical about the way it seems to be shaping up.”
Even Senator Graham, a fierce Trump ally, said GOP senator are worried about the spending. McConnell acknowledged there’s a lot of dissent from the Republican senators, but that it is a “complicated problem.” Many Republican already think the Republican Party went too far with the CARES Act, but voted for it as the future for the economy was uncertain. Now, as months have passed, senators are seriously considering the longterm effects of another trillion dollar spending bill, especially with the government spending bill coming around the corner in September.
Mnuchin and Meadows will continue to try and bring a resolution together to find a path forward and give a boost for the economy. Especially with months left until the election, the White House is going to be focused on providing relief to help Trump’s chances in November. Mnuchin and Meadows have floated around the idea to divide the issues up into separate bills, but that idea is not catching speed in the chamber. Senator Cornyn confirmed that he didn’t hear any support for it. The only chance for the bill to pass, once the Democrats have added to it, will be with Senate Democrats' support instead of Republicans.
[…] GOP Split Over Coronavirus Relief Bill […]